2023 International Invasive Weed Conference
Welcome to #IIWC2023
Our annual International Invasive Weeds Conference (#IIWC23) returns on Thursday 16th November 2023 as we look ahead to even more challenges, developments and emerging issues facing many professionals and the industry.
From looking at novel strategy approaches, updated control policies to guidance, policy and law; this year's event is packed with knowledge and insights. With an established line-up of renowned speakers, this is your opportunity to connect and learn from the industry's leading professionals through presentations and debate over the course of the day. And what's more, you will gain 6 BASIS points too!
For anyone who comes across invasive plants and weeds, this promises to be an event you won’t want to miss! To find out more, keep scrolling down to view the packed programme, or to book your space, click on the buttons below...
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2023 Invasive Weed Programme
We are pleased to provide the updated programme for the International Invasive Weeds Conference 2023, which features an array of knowledge and insights from industry professionals. As we are still finalising the agenda for the day, keep a look out for new updates.
08.30: Registration 09.00: Welcome to the conference.
- 09.15: Introduction from Session Chair - Robert Mitchell, Conservation Land Services Ltd
- 09.20: The GB Invasive Non-native Species Strategy - TBC
- 09.40: Pelargonic acid, glyphosate and horsetail - A good recipe? - William Weld, Certis Belchim
- 10.00: Soilwise, Roots Reset – a biological approach to invasive weed control - Ard Reijtenbagh, Soilwise
- 10.20: Aerial innovation - Precise spraying by drone - Ed Lewis, Railscape
- 10.40: Q&A
- 10.50 - 11.20: Refreshment break
- 11.25: Introduction from Session Chair - Daniel Docking, PCA
- 11.30: CRISEP: Eradicating Himalayan Balsam in new ways: Award-winning invasive weeds eradication project - Charles Hughes, Canal and Rivers Trust
- 11.50: How to combat the arguments of the anti-glyphosate lobby - Mark Buckingham, Bayer
- 12.10: Using copper geotextiles to control invasive weeds - Dr Tom Bennett, University of Leeds
- 12.30: Q&A
- 12.40 - 13.40: Lunch - Lunchtime session features: Umbelifer quiz, Tracker app & more!
- 13.45-14.10: Panel Debate Chair - Steve Hodgson, PCA : Dr Mark Fennell, AECOM : Nic Seal, Environet : Brian Taylor, The Knotweed Company : Daniel Docking, PCA
- 14.15: Introduction from Session Chair - Jim Glaister, The Knotweed Company
- 14.20: Legal challenges update: Lessons for our clients - Paul Beckett, Phlorum
- 14.40: Invasive plants and our legislation - Gavin Measures, Natural England
- 15.00: HSE and Enforcement for Plant Protection Products - Dr Lisa Hammond & Mike Potts, HSE
- 15.20: Q&A

Why attend our conference?
Our 2023 International Invasive Weed Conference provides the perfect platform for anyone associated with the invasive weed industry. Don't miss out on this 'must-attend' event - benefit from and improve your understanding of the principles and practices towards the changing perspective, current challenges and emerging issues facing the industry.
Take the opportunity to accrue those all important BASIS points, whilst connecting and networking with leading experts in the field!
Book your place!
Secure your ticket to the conference...this is set to be an event you won't want to miss!
Full ticket cost:
- Member: £140+vat
- Non Member: £190+vat
Accommodation & Pre-Conference Dinner: The option to book the pre-conference dinner (£54 +VAT), your accommodation (single room: £115 +VAT / double room: £145 +VAT), or both, will be displayed on the booking page when you click to 'book your ticket'.
For more information or to discuss in more detail, simply contact Sue Uttridge on 01480 400001 / [email protected]. Alternatively, click on the button below:
Book your tickets >>
What you might miss - highlights from 2022
See what to expect from this year's event by checking out the hightlights from the 2022 Invasive Weed Conference below...
View presentations & pictures from last year
For those interested in seeing the quality of the knowledge & learning shared within the upcoming speakers/presentations on 24th November 2023, why not check out some of the presentations from last year. In addition, why not view some of the pictures from the day. If you were there in 2022, you might just spot yourself!
2022 video presentations >>
View pictures from the previous conference >>
Where will this years conference be held?
The University of Warwick, Coventry (near Birmingham), UK is the venue for the 2023 International Invasive Weed Conference. To find out where this is located exactly and how to get there, check out the map below: