Property Care Association Property Care Association

01 Jul 2021 < Back

Property Flood Resilience is still a priority

The Association is currently involved in the creation of training material for a project funded by the Government. This work relates to the development of courses that enables the delivery of services in accordance with the CIRIA Code of Practice for Property Flood Resilience.

This work, coordinated by The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), is progressing and there are hopes that the training will be made available later this year.

Working with the Property Flood Resilience Round Table

The PCA regularly attends meetings of this influential group. Chaired by Flood Re, facilitated by DEFRA and attended by many of the leading decision makers and influencers around flood protection, the topics for discussion can be both interesting and insightful.

I am not going to bore readers with a detailed account of the meeting, but simply report that although the push for the adoption of Property Flood Resilience has been slowed by recent events, the desire to implement change and the widespread use of property flood resilence measures has not been abandoned.

The adoption of Property Flood Resilience is still a priority for many

Initiatives from Government departments, insurance providers, surveyor groups and standards agencies; all indicate that the protection of homes and businesses from the effects of flooding and the adoption of property flood resilence is still a priority for many.

Our involvement with the round table allows us to represent the views of those who both produce and install PFR. Changing change, and the threat of ever more volatile climatic events ensures that flooding remains a priority for all UK Governments. So long as there are good reasons to engage, the PCA will continue to represent members at these meetings.

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