Property Care Association Property Care Association

Get the recognition you deserve

The PCA Best Practice Awards recognise and reward PCA members for their fantastic achievements throughout the year. Join us as we celebrate the very best in our industry at our 13th Annual Best Practice Awards on Thursday 19 September 2024 at the Telford International Centre.

Shortlisted winners will be announced on Friday 28 June 2024!

Awards evening - Book tickets >



PCA Awards - Awards Dinner - Property Care Association

What to expect at the 2024 Awards Evening

Our annual PCA Best Practice Awards evening is always a huge success...and we hope many of our members join us again this year.

If you are submitting an entry into the awards (and we strongly encourage you to do so), then why not celebrate it and join us for the Annual Awards Dinner.

To find out what its like, click to watch last years highlights video or click on the button below to view pictures.

View the 2023 picture gallery

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Enhance your reputation

For PCA members

PR and positive headlines

Celebrate with your team

Be recognised for excellence

Fantastic prizes

Award Categories

You can enter one or more categories and submit multiple entries within the same category. Find out more about the categories below:

Business/Project Awards


Have you introduced new measures to become a more dynamic business? Have you implemented a new technique, product or an innovative approach?

When recognising and rewarding innovation, judges will look at the ‘innovative activity’, how it has been used and put into practice, how it has been developed and the positive effect it has had on a business’ overall performance. Judges will consider:

  • How you implemented this innovative research, planning, design or operations management?
  • The cost-savings or benefits delivered to your business and industry?
  • The impact of this activity
  • The complexity of the problem or situation addressed.

Download the entry form >


Have you taken significant steps to ‘go green’ and improve your environmental performance and reduce your impact on the planet?

Environmental considerations are a key factor in today’s building preservation and protection industries, and judges will look at companies who have introduced positive measures in terms of social, economic and environmental factors to help drive their business forward. Tell us:

  • How you measure, monitor and/or reduce the environmental impact (transport and travel planning etc)
  • About the initiatives you have implemented on site (or, for manufacturers, in product development) to protect the environment
  • What business activity has been adopted to reduce, reuse and recycle
  • How sustainability is supported through procurement, including internal management procedures and the management of suppliers and contractors
  • How energy usage is monitored and reduced
  • Which policies and procedures are in place to manage staff health and well-being.

Download the entry form >

Project of the Year

All members have the chance to demonstrate and showcase interesting or significant projects they may have worked on within this category – be it because of the nature of the property, the challenges involved or because it is a particularly notable or unusual case study. Projects of all sizes will be considered. This is a very broad category where you can share:

  • Historical or unusual buildings you may have undertaken work on and how the nature of the structure impacted you
  • Significant technical problems you had to overcome and how you achieved it
  • Well-managed projects showcasing the challenges and difficulties you overcame
  • Projects highlighting the skills, expertise and knowledge of those involved.

Download the entry form >

People/Organisation Awards

Training and Development

The future of the property care industry is based on the skills of its people. Training and development provides employees with the key knowledge and skills that they need to perform their job, keeps staff motivated and helps them stand out from competitors as they grow in competence and expertise.

This award will be presented to a PCA member who has demonstrated excellence in training and development opportunities for their people. Judges will look for entries which demonstrate a broad-ranging and well-run training programme that delivers a positive impact on the overall performance of a business.

As a guide, you may wish to consider the following points:

  • The presence of a formal policy on employee training and development, together with a written training plan
  • The person/department responsible for training within the organisation
  • The budget allocated to the training plan/programme
  • Induction programmes in place for new starters?
  • Are staff encouraged to work towards professional qualifications?
  • Are Investors in People or any similar initiatives in place?
  • Average number of hours/days that staff are expected to spend in training activities annually
  • Existence of an apprenticeship scheme
  • Are sub-contractors expected to provide evidence of staff and/or operative training?
  • How do you measure/evaluate training
  • Has the training improved the quality of your product and/or service?

Download the entry form >

Outstanding Customer Service Award

If you feel you are standing out from the crowd when it comes to providing outstanding customer service, then this category is for you! It will be awarded to the PCA member who has shown continued and improved customer service to its clients. Your entry must demonstrate you have gone that extra mile to ensure that the customer is happy with the service they receive from you.

Examples to showcase and demonstrate this outstanding service, can include written summaries, diagrams, photographs and any other evidence you feel relevant such as:

  • The presence of a document or code of ethics on customer expectations
  • Delivery of promised statements, i.e. timings etc
  • Testimonials from satisfied customers – written form, video
  • Evidence that you have delivered on promises and followed up on completed work
  • Dealing with difficult/unhappy customers successfully
  • Inclusive solutions to problem solving.

Download the entry form >

Employee of the Year

This is the most important award for any company! We often hear from members about their employees who go the extra mile and we feel they should be recognised for their commitment and dedication to the company they work for.

Who do you think deserves this accolade and recognition and why should they win? How have they gone above and beyond?

Include as much supporting information as you can to showcase this entry and a photograph of your nominee too!

Download the entry form >

New for 2024!

The Digital Space

Have you invested in the digital side of your business? Are you being more creative with your marketing campaigns across social media? Is your website user friendly with a smart visual design and clear functionality, providing up to date and relevant information?

Many of you may be investing more time to the digital space and in creating content on platforms other than just your website, so tell us about it! Perhaps you are:

  • Producing video content for YouTube
  • Hosting webinars
  • Posting regularly on social media
  • Refreshed/redesigned/upgraded your website
  • Seeing more traffic to your website and/or social channels.

This category is open to companies of all sizes:

  • Small Company (1-10 employees)
  • Medium/Large Company (11+ employees)

Download the entry form >

Community / Fundraising Award

Are you actively supporting your community? Do you support any initiatives in and around the area you are based? Perhaps you employ locally and regularly engage with local residents and publications to share job opportunities and promote your services?

Similarly, are you fundraising for a particular/ongoing charity? Do you and your colleagues/employees take part in fundraising activities together? Does this bolster the team spirit and encourage everyone to volunteer and/or do something worthwhile for a good cause?

Share your success stories with us and showcase how you support your community through pictures, videos, testimonials and documentation. This is another broad category where you, your business and your employees can be recognised and rewarded!

Download the entry form >

Will you be shortlisted?

In the first instance, all entries received will be forwarded to an independent panel. They will review each entry received and mark them in accordance with the judging criteria. Those shortlisted will then be passed to the judging panel for final review and will be announced on 28 June 2024. Keep an eye out on our website and across our social media platforms for more information on who has been shortlisted.



2023 Best Practice Awards - Dave Cook

TICKETS!! Secure your place at the awards

To purchase your ticket(s) to this year’s Best Practice Awards, click on the button below. Price: £175pp or £1,250 for a table of 10.

Awards evening - Book tickets >

**PLEASE NOTE** Accommodation – A number of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn, The International Hotel and Ramada Hotel. All three are conveniently located onsite at the Telford International Centre complex. They will be allocated on a first come-first served basis and will be held until 15 July. After this date any remaining rooms will be released.

To reserve your accommodation, please call 01952 527000 (Option 1 for Reservations) or email [email protected]
quoting ‘Property Care Association’.

Contact us about the 2024 PCA Awards

To find out more about our 2024 PCA Best Practice Awards or to simply ask a few questions, feel free to contact our PCA team by calling 01480 400000 or send us your enquiry by completing our online contact form below.

Alternatively, if you want to book your place now, simply click on the button below. 

Contact us >

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The Property Care Association
11 Ramsay Court
Kingfisher Way
Business Park
PE29 6FY

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