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07 May 2021 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 8th May 2021

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • It’s more than just the ‘big three’!
  • PCA’s Plan for Invasive Species Week!
  • Speedy Meter Video – Access for PCA Members
  • Next Webinar during Invasive Species Week
  • Mental Health Awareness Week: 10th-16th May
  • Contracting & Client Relationship Workshop
  • Work-related Stress
  • Welcome to our new members

It’s more than just the ‘big three’

We are not trying to teach our PCA invasive weed members ‘how to suck eggs’, but with ‘2021 Invasive Species Week’ round the corner, just how many invasive non-native plants are there in total? Suffice to say, it’s a lot more than the ‘big three’ of Japanese knotweed, Giant hogweed and Himalayan balsam! In fact, another 74 species of plant have legal status as invasive non-native species (INNS), as Technical Manager Peter points out in his latest blog….

To find out more, click on the button below.

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PCA’s Plan for Invasive Species Week

We are pleased to share our confirmed schedule of events for Invasive Species Week ( #iINNSweek ). Running from 24th-30th May, your Association has organised the following to complement the theme of events which the Non Native Species Secretariat (NNSS) is running that week:

  • Monday 24th: All about Invasive Non-Native Species – Blog from Peter Fitzsimons
  • Tuesday 25th: Underwater Alien Plants – Video from Alex Brooks
  • Weds 26th: Invasive Weeds in the Countryside: Umbellifers – Video from Robert Mitchell
  • Thurs 27th: How Invasive weeds can impact the urban environment – Webinar from Jim Glaister

Links to the video recordings will be shared nearer to the time, but for now you can put the dates in your diary and find out more from NNSS via the button below!

Click for More Info >>


Speedy Meter Video – **Access for PCA Members**

We are excited to share the newest addition to our online training portfolio! Our ‘Use of a Speedy Meter’ video was mentioned during last week’s ‘Understanding wood-destroying insects’ webinar and we are delighted that this resource is now available for PCA members.

The Speedy meter is too often touted as one of the best methods of assessing moisture in the built environment, but like all other methods it has some serious limitations. Any PCA member who deals with dampness in buildings should have an understanding of this tool, how it is used, its advantages and its limitations.

PCA members can access this video by clicking on the button below.

View the FREE Guidance >>


Next Webinar during Invasive Species Week

With just 3 weeks to go until Invasive Species Week, our next LIVE broadcast fits perfectly into our ‘Invasive Species Week Special’. Join us and PCA Invasive Weed Group Member Jim Glaister on Thursday 27th May 2021 for our “How invasive weeds can impact the urban environment” webinar.

Join Jim as he separates the myths and the reality of invasive weeds, and addresses how to head off future problems before they become insurmountable.

Find out more & Register via the button below.

Click to Register Now >>


Mental Health Awareness Week: 10th-16th May

You may be aware that it is Mental Health Awareness Week next week. During this past year we have all suffered mentally in some capacity and we urge all trades people and our PCA members to remember that their Association is always here to help, support and listen.

During the course of next week we will be sharing some valuable tools through our social media channels to help you and your teams. For now, you can access more information on what the Mental Health Foundation are doing by clicking on the button below.

Click for More Info >>


Contracting & Client Relationship Workshop

Contracting & Client Relationship Workshop
Date: 14th July 2021
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: Members £195 +VAT / Non-members £250 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

This course is ideal for those who routinely deal with main contractors and quantity surveyors and offers invaluable information you can use to self-check your in-house procedures. It will particularly benefit small and medium sized companies who may lack the experience or expertise to effectively manage works to ensure they deliver on contractual obligations.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400000, or email [email protected].

Get in Touch! >>


Work-related Stress

With everything that has been going on with the pressures of business over the past year and what we suspect lays ahead; the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has a suite of helpful guides, case studies, posters and information on Work-related Stress, which you may find useful. Ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week next week, you may want to display and share some of this information with your teams.

Simple click on the button below to find out more.

Click to for More Info >>


Stress Talking Toolkit for Construction Sector

We are pleased to welcome the following company into membership:

  • Wildscapes CIC Ltd

Remember to keep in the loop…

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