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11 Dec 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 12th December 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • NEW Online Surveyor Training launched!
  • A bit of a ’round-up’ for the Invasive Weed Sector
  • Flood Protection Certificates – FloodRE Launch
  • 2020 Yellow Brick Road
  • Glyphosate approvals – an extension to 2025!
  • Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS): 3rd Grant
  • A CPD Opportunity: Damp, Masonry Decay & Sustainability
  • Book your 2021 Residential Ventilation Training
  • PCA Office Hours over the Festive Period

NEW Online Surveyor Training launched!

We are really proud to have announced this week that our new, fully on-line training course for surveyors is live! We think you will agree this will deliver a new era in timber, damp & moisture related training – and a big step change from the existing three-day course! So what’s included:

  • 10 live training broadcasts
  • 12 recorded online learning videos
  • 6 interactive sessions delivered by 9+ professional trainers
  • A whole suite of additional & recommended learning materials
  • Great foundation study for the CSTDB/CSDB exams

This really does guarantee a risk-free environment for learning, minimises lost staff productivity and costs and reduces your company’s environmental impact! What’s more it is conveniently all at the click of a button. Interested? Want to know more about the training? Simply click on the button below…

Click for More Info >>

A bit of a ’round-up’ for the Invasive Weed Sector

Following on from James Berry’s’ review of the waterproofing sector last week, your other Technical Manager Peter Fitzsimons give us a ’round-up’ of the year for the Invasive Weed sector and asks, “what have we learnt about invasive species in 2020?”

Members can read more by clicking on the button below.

Click to

Flood Protection Certificates

Your CEO Steve Hodgson was invited on to Flood Re’s event earlier this week on the idea of creating a ‘Flood Performance Certificate’. If adopted by Government, this could act as a catalyst for a greater public adoption of PFR but, following the event, Steve asks ‘why should the idea of creating a mandatory certificate for water damage, be totally focused on flooding?’.

Read the latest Hodgson View by clicking on the button below….

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2020 Yellow Brick Road

What has 2020 looked like from a PCA marketing/comms perspective and what might 2021 bring? PCA’s Andy Ferguson takes us down his ‘yellow brick road’ and sums up 2020 from his perspective, if the ‘Wicked Corona-Witch of the West’ might cast her spell in 2021 and what comms/marketing the PCA is planning in 2021 (or hoping…depending on what other Covid obstacles we come across).

To read more, click on the button below.

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Glyphosate approvals – extension to 2025!

Those members anxious about the continued approval of Glyphosate may be able to let out a sigh of relief, for a while at least, as it was announced at a recent Crop Protection Conference (on-line of course) that the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) / Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) will automatically extend all ‘active’ reviews due in the immediate post-Brexit period by three years. This means Glyphosate’s current approvals will be extended until at least 15th December 2025 (in GB).

Interestingly, this will mean that Bayer will need to complete the EU regulatory process (Dossier already submitted) well in advance of the GB review! For those interested, you can view summaries of various elements of the dossier via the button below – a first in the world of Regulatory affairs.

Click to View >>

Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS): 3rd Grant

For those members interested in the Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS), the 3rd grant is now available. This has similar eligibility criteria as to previous tranches, as follows:

  • You must be a self-employed individual/member of a partnership
  • You cannot claim if you trade through a limited company/a trust
  • You must have traded in both tax years: 2018/19 and 2019/20
  • You must either:
    • be currently trading but are impacted by reduced demand due to coronavirus
    • have been trading but are temporarily unable to do so due to coronavirus
  • You must also declare that:
    • you intend to continue to trade
    • you reasonably believe there will be a significant reduction in your trading profits

If you’re eligible, you’ll receive a grant worth of 80% paid out in a single instalment covering 3 months’ worth of profits, and capped at £7,500 in total. For more information and to apply please click on the button below.

Click for more Info >>

A CPD Opportunity: Damp, Masonry Decay & Sustainability

Historic England, in collaboration with Institute of Historic Building Conservation, have broadcast a number of presentations recently, one of which is available for members to view and we will share any further recordings as soon as they are released.

We think these presentations are well worth a watch, if only to allow us all to better understand the work and thoughts of others who are out in the world, researching and dealing with issues of dampness in buildings. We are glad to report that speakers, though quick to condemn elements of the preservation industry, regularly proved and explained the process of moisture movement, including rising damp.

Many speakers also seem to be distancing themselves from the misplaced assertion that buildings “breathe”. Apparently they sweat! Go figure…..

To view the presentation, members can simply click on the button below.

View the Presentation >>

Book your 2021 Residential Ventilation Training

Residential Ventilation Masterclass
Date: 28th January 2021
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: £195 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

This Masterclass provides surveyors and property professionals with the skills and confidence to make informed evaluations of ventilation in homes. The unique one-day course provides a detailed analysis into retrofit ventilation systems and associated industry regulations and is suitable for anyone involved in the design and installation of retrofitting fans and mechanical ventilation solutions in existing homes.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000 or email [email protected].

Click to Contact Us >>

PCA Office Hours over the Festive Period

Your Association will be closed from next Friday 18th December, reopening on Monday 4th January 2021.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of team prior to the closure, please call us on 01480 400000.

Click to Contact Us >>

Remember to keep in the loop…

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