Property Care Association Property Care Association

25 Sep 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 26th September 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Reports & Management Plans – Friend or Foe
  • Supporting the Government’s “Kickstart Scheme”
  • Govt Announces Job Support Scheme
  • Govt Announces Winter Economy Plan
  • Webinar: Green Homes Grant & “Shallow” Retrofit
  • NHS Test & Trace App
  • Missed the Webinar – View the Recording
  • Training: Knotweed & Cell Burial Strategies
  • New Member

Reports & Management Plans – Friend or Foe

Members may not be aware that reports and management plans legally define your liability to your client, and that many of these liabilities arise and continue long after you have written and submitted them! Also, that many of these responsibilities arise whether or not the client instructs you to conduct any work?

It’s a subject that Peter Fitzsimons feels deserves a little of your attention so, please click on the button below to read more…

Click to


Supporting the Government’s “Kickstart Scheme”

Members may be aware of the “Kickstart Scheme” announced recently by the Government. We see this as a great initiative and one which provides support for our members’ businesses and to those young people who are looking to take their first steps towards working in the preservation/construction industry. This movement really will provide fundamental life skills to the next working generation and we have an opportunity to help members be a part of this.

To find out how we can help and what members need to do to, simply click on the button below.

Click for More Info >>


Govt Announces Job Support Scheme

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced the launch of the Job Support Scheme. This will directly support the wages of your staff and gives you the option of keeping your employees in a job on shorter hours rather than making them redundant.

This will come into effect on 1st November 2020. Members can find out more by clicking on the button below.

Click for More Info >>


Govt Announces Winter Economy Plan

Yesterday the Chancellor Rishi Sunak also announced the ‘Winter Economy Plan’ which outlined the following extensions to loan schemes:

  • Bounce Back Loans – more time and greater flexibility to repay loans now introducing ‘Pay as you Grow’
  • Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) – extended on similar terms to the Jobs Support Scheme
  • Employers retaining furloughed staff on shorter hours can claim both the Jobs Support Scheme and the Jobs Retention Bonus
    • Running November to April, all small & medium sized businesses are eligible to apply
    • Businesses are eligible even if not previously used the furlough scheme
  • VAT Deferral Scheme – Payments are all due in one lump sum in March. Instead, businesses can now spread the bill over 11 repayments with no interest to pay

Members can access the plan together with the latest information by clicking on the button below.

Click for More Info >>


Webinar: Green Homes Grant & “Shallow” Retrofit

How do we anticipate and design out problems before retrofitting a building or home? With the new Green Homes Grant helping to stimulate the construction industry and encourage energy saving measures to help save the planet while improving the comfort of homeowners, how do we help ensure these welcomed planet saving measures do not become a ‘blight’ within peoples homes?

​​​​​​​Join us and PCA’s CEO Steve Hodgson on Thursday 29th October 2020 from 9-10am as he shares his advice on the Green Homes Grant scheme and the effects of “shallow” retrofit.

Click to Register Now >>


NHS Test & Trace App

The NHS Test & Trace App is now available. Features of the app include:

  • contact tracing using Bluetooth
  • risk alerts based on postcode district
  • QR check-in at venues
  • symptom checker and test booking – with user privacy and data security at its heart

Important note for all, you are required by law to display the official NHS QR code posters so people can check-in at different premises with the app. You can access the app link, the posters and more information via the button below.

The app is also available for our those based in Scotland and Ireland.

Click for More Info >>


Missed the Webinar – View the Recording

If you missed yesterday’s webinar on “The Risks of being an Expert Witness”, watch Dr Paul Beckett from Phlorum Ltd as he shares his advice and tips about being an expert witness and the risks that you need to consider.

Grab yourself and cuppa and click on the button below to view…

View the Recording >>

Training: Knotweed & Cell Burial Strategies

Knotweed & Cell Burial Strategies<
Date: 13th October 2020
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: £230 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

Our new Japanese Knotweed on-site contamination and cell burial strategy workshop is aimed at contractors/technicians working in the invasive weed sector wanting to gain further knowledge on the use of geomembranes for on-site encapsulation and burial.

Candidates will have the opportunity to be hands-on with the geomembrane products and actively work on Knotweed cell burial design and construction.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000 or email [email protected]

Click for More Info >>


New Member

We are pleased to welcome the following company into provisional membership of the PCA:

Wealden Services Ltd (Contractor – Invasive Weed)

Remember to keep in the loop…

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