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11 Mar 2023 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 11th March 2023

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Google Analytics 4 - Are you ready?
  • Next video from #IIWC2022 - Invasive Weed control in Sweden
  • #IPCC video - Emerging insect threats to timber in the UK
  • March webinar - Hidden dampness
  • HSE: Asbestos & You

Google Analytics 4 - Are you ready?

This might sound a bit 'techie' and overwhelming, but are you aware that Google Analytics is being replaced with a newly created version - GA4? But what does this mean and why should you care?

Well, basically it means if you don’t’ do something, your web stats are about to die! However don't panic, your Association is here to help. In his latest blog, PCA Andy Ferguson highlights the importance of this new platform and the steps you need to take to keep your web stats moving forward. Click on the button to read more...


Next video from #IIWC2022 - Invasive Weed control in Sweden

The next video to be released following the '2022 Invasive Weed Conference' is from Dr Tina Kyrkander, Ornborg Kyrkander Biologi & Miljo Ab, who discussed 'Invasive Weed control in Sweden'.

This presentation focused on the situation in Sweden, cultural differences and lack of best practice and regulation. To view the video, click on the button below.

View video presentation >>

#IPCC video - Emerging insect threats to timber in the UK

In this next video presentation from the '2022 International Property Care Conference', Nicholas Donnithorne provides an insight into the growing and ever present threat of new alien invasive bugs and fungi.

With a highly engaging mixture of images and sounds, our friend and highly respected uber-geek brings humour and enthusiasm to a presentation that you will remember. To view, click on the button below...

View video presentation >>

March webinar - Hidden dampness

With just 3 weeks to go until our next live broadcast, why not join us and PCA Trainer Neil Marsden on 30th March (from 9-10am) as we explore hidden dampness and how the unsuspecting surveyor can be ‘caught out’!

Following on from our 'Damp: back to basics' webinar in January, this is ideal for the less experienced surveyor as we share knowledge and guidance on these hidden signs.

For more information and to register, click on the button below.

Find out more >>

In other news...

HSE: Asbestos & You

Members may have seen that this week, HSE launched a new campaign on how to manage the risks associated with asbestos. Asbestos hasn't disappeared since its ban in 1999 and remains in millions of homes/buildings. If any of your team started their career after the year 2000, this information may be of value to ensure you are aware of the risks. To find out more, click on the button below.

Find out more >>


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