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10 Sep 2021 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 11th September 2021

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Is it time for waterproofing & flooding to work together?
  • 3 weeks to go until our next webinar!
  • TBIC Meeting Update
  • Contaminated land in Oldham
  • CITB Consensus Results
  • Defects in Cavity Construction
  • HSE’s New Online Tool

Is it time for waterproofing & flooding to work together?

Triggered by the floods in New York, PCA’s Technical Manager James discusses the considerations for waterproofing and perhaps how comparable flood systems are to waterproofing systems, and could this be an area that requires the collective thought of both sectors…?

You can read the full blog by clicking on the button below….

Click to


3 weeks to go until our next webinar!

Just 3 weeks to go until our next LIVE webinar! Join us and John Naylor from GGS Ltd on Thursday 30th September (9-10am), as we delve deeper into the world of radon gases and ask what exactly should we be doing within existing buildings and what are the ‘Watch Points’ for new builds?

John will raise awareness and shares his advice on radon gases and the considerations we need to give for both existing and new buildings.

To find out more and to register, you can click on the button below.

Click to Register Now >>


TBIC Meeting Update

Earlier this week PCA’s Technical Manager James Berry attended a meeting of the Technical Marketing Committee of The Basement Information Centre (TBIC), albeit virtually.

TBIC recently released a ground gas and structural waterproofing document, which focuses on design and construction at an early stage to help project teams navigate the requirements of BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 and BS 8102:2009. The cost of the guide is £10.

For those who wish to learn more, there is a replay of the webinar that supported the TBIC launch of the guide. To purchase the guide, click on the button below.

Click to View >>


Contaminated land in Oldham

You may have seen a report in the news recently regarding contaminated land found across the Oldham area. Thousands of sites have been identified as containing potentially hazardous waste which ‘have not been proactively investigated’.

Whilst this issue is never far from the press, we welcome the debate to ensure the safety of everyone involved. You can read the full report via the button below.

Read the full article >>


CITB Consensus Results

CITB published the results from their Consensus earlier this week into whether proposals to raise a Levy for another three years should be supported. The results showed that 2 out of 3 were in support and the two key takeaway points include:

  • For those with a staffing wage bill less than £120,000, you will be exempt
  • For those with a wage bill between £120,000-£400,000, you will see a 50% reduction with the levy

CITB is now looking at how the Levy can work better for employers across the construction industry and as always, we will continue to update you. For now, you can click on the button below.

Click for more info >>


Defects in Cavity Construction

Defects in Cavity Construction
Date: 14th October 2021
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: Members £195 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

Our one-day training course casts a spotlight on understanding cavity construction, ideal for anyone already involved, or who wish to become involved in the surveying of buildings. In a world where we are seeing growing concern around defects in cavity walls, and a rise in companies looking to exploit these growing concerns, it is essential that all property professionals who inspect buildings understand these defects.

Don’t just take our word for it – read Technical Manager James Berry’s review of the course.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400000, or email [email protected].

Click for more info >>


HSE’s New Online Tool

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has released a new online Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC) Tool.

It has been designed to simplify the process of completing each assessment, with a logical step-by-step approach, saving time in populating and interpreting the results manually. You can access the tool via the button below.

Click for more info >>


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