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13 Sep 2019 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 14th September 2019

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Best Practice Awards 2019
  • Why Attend the PCA’s Regional Meetings
  • PCA Presents at Indoor Air Quality Conference
  • First Ground Gas Protection Group Meeting
  • CITB’s National Occupational Standards Review
  • PCA Presents at EMAPi2019
  • A Look to the Future
  • Training – Get Ready for Autumn

Best Practice Awards 2019

Join us on Thursday 21st November to celebrate the very best in our industry at the PCA’s 10th Annual Best Practice Awards! This event continues year on year to recognise and reward PCA members and their fantastic achievements throughout the year.

It’s straightforward to enter and there are lots of categories to choose from, from Innovation, Sustainability and Project of the Year, to Employee of the Year and many more. With the added bonus of publicity for you/your organisation, what’s not to like?

Click for More Info

Why Attend the PCA’s Regional Meetings

The regional meetings are a cornerstone of the Associations’ calendar and whilst they may not deliver the glitz and glamour of the larger conferences, they have certainly become events in their own right and are not to be missed.

Whilst I may be a little biased, I genuinely believe we have some cracking speakers lined up for you! Contact James Berry on [email protected] to confirm your attendance, or to view the schedule of dates click here..

Read the Full Article

PCA Presents at Indoor Air Quality Conference

Last week, PCA’s Paula Lopez-Arce presented the work performed on environmental monitoring of UK dwellings (supported by PCA members and Innovate UK), at the “X IAQVEC” Conference in Italy.

The event created a platform for the exchange of knowledge, traditions and experiences with a goal of improving indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency. Interestingly, this goal is also strongly pursued by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

The conference presented possible collaboration opportunities with a UK Technology Centre and Research Institutes from other countries. It also highlighted the massive scientific and technological work that colleagues in China are undertaking with regards to these topics.

The work presented will be published and accessible through Web of Knowledge and Scopus international databases very soon.

Click for More Info

First Ground Gas Protection Group Meeting

As you will be aware, the PCA were tasked with starting the process of creating a new sector of representation within the Association. To this end, work has started on the creation of the necessary standards and codes that will support the Ground Gas Protection sector going forward.

As a reminder and in the interests of inclusivity, we would like to invite you to take part in the initial meeting of the Ground Gas Protection Group scheduled for the 23 September at the offices in Huntingdon.

Please get in touch by email to [email protected] and we will forward your invitation detailing the objectives of the meeting.

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CITB’s National Occupational Standards Review

Share your knowledge and experience with CITB as they coordinate a review of the National Occupational Standards and Industry Training Standards.

“Only experts like you from across the construction industry can make sure the standards we use to judge training and competency are fit for purpose. The consultation process means the best operators in the business are able to define what great looks like in their trade – and without that process high standards simply cannot be set”, CITB.

Click on the button below to be part of the process in shaping these standards. The deadline is Friday 20th September 2019.

Submit Your Suggestions

PCA Presents at EMAPi2019

Our man in Prague, Dr Peter Fitzsimons, has much to report on after full immersion in the world of invasive weed research this week. More next Friday, but the image above shows Laura Jones from PCA member AECOM delivering our paper “Driving up Standards” to about 200 delegates from around the world. We’re happy to share the impressive impact we make setting and raising standards within all the sectors we represent.

View the Agenda

A Look to the Future

Underwater highways, hoverboard-based sports and holidays in space are some of the upcoming revelations which could be commonplace in 50 years’ time, a new report on the future of technology has predicted!

The predictions have been compiled by a group of academics and futurists and include the mass-scale production of 3D-printed organs, implants to monitor our health and self-cleaning homes will be key parts of everyday life…

Read the Full Article

Training – Get Ready for Autumn

Technicians: Japanese Knotweed

Ideal for technicians and field operatives working on the control and management of Japanese knotweed. The aim of this one day course is to provide delegates in a classroom environment with the technical, biological and academic principals that underpin the processes that lead to the safe, swift and reliable control of Japanese knotweed..

Residential Ventilation Masterclass

Are you passing on profit and revenue to others? Why not develop your understanding of dampness and ventilation in buildings and get more involved in residential ventilation issues! Maximise your chance of return on investment!

Alternative Repair Strategies for Traditional Buildings

Delivered by The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB), this one-day workshop will deliver a practical insight into traditional repair methods. Topics include:

  • The use of lime strategies that reduce the use of chemical fungicides
  • The pros and cons of both modern and traditional building repair strategies
  • The importance of working with clients to set and deliver expectations

Contact the training team today on 0844 375 4301 or email [email protected].

PCA in the News

This week sees Network Rail in in the press accused of blighting properties by not dealing with Japanese knotweed. PCA’s Steve Hodgson spoke to The Times and Dr Peter Fitzsimons spoke to The Herald (Scotland).

Remember to keep in the loop…

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