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04 Sep 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 5th September 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • GHG: An Appeal & Some Help
  • It’s all Greek (and Latin) to me!
  • Next Webinar – Risks of being an Expert Witness
  • Updated Damp Technical Library
  • Paula’s Research takes another step
  • Autumn Regional Meeting Dates
  • New Guidance from Defra for Invasive Plants
  • HSE: Managing Risks & Risk Assessment
  • Training: Defects in Cavity Construction

Hodgson View: GHG: An Appeal & Some Help!

With the pending ‘Green Homes Grant’ coming our way soon, PCA’s CEO Steve Hodgson has been taking a closer look at the proposed scheme, its benefits and the opportunities it presents. However, as good as the scheme is on paper, regarding the start and end dates, can we REALLY afford to be this rigid? What are the consequences of being this rigid for both contractors and homeowners? Read Steve’s thoughts in his latest ‘Hodgson View‘!

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It’s all Greek (and Latin) to me!

Since it’s the weekend, we thought we would have a little bit of a ‘lighthearted blog‘ just to test the memory of all the PCA surveyors out there, complements of PCA trainer Gervais Sawyer.

How ‘Greek’ do you find the ‘Latin Lingo’? Do you know your ‘Serpula lacrymans‘ from your ‘Euophryum confine‘? Do you remember the Latin names for the property issues you come across on a daily basis? And ‘why oh why’ do we still use Latin terms???

To find out more and to test your knowledge, click on the button below.

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Next Webinar – Risks of being an Expert Witness

Our next CPD webinar event is now open for registration. This time, its a little bit different! Join us and Dr Paul Beckett from Phlorum Ltd and explore the reality and the risks of being an expert witness. Are YOU right for the job or could you end up turning out to be the court jester!?!

Join us on Thursday 24th September between 9-10am. Click on the button below to find out more and register. We hope to see you there!

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Updated Damp Technical Library

Some of our PCA members may already have noticed, but if you haven’t, we recently just finished updating the ‘Damp Control Technical Documents Library’ on the PCA website.

Along with having refreshed and updated technical documents, all the documents now come with their very own webpage to help explain what the document is about, the benefits of reading them and making it easier to share the documents and explaining it to your clients and customers.

More sections of the technical document library are being worked on and we will keep members up-to-date as and when these are completed. In the meantime however, if you haven’t visited the ‘Damp Control Technical Library’ in a while, why not click on the button below to take a look…

Click for More Info >>

PCA’s Paula’s Research takes another step

Shortly off the back of PCA’s Dr Paula Lopez-Arce & the KTP published scientific research paper titled “Building moisture diagnosis: processing, assessing and representation of environmental data for root cause analysis of mould growth”; we are proud to say the research project has taken another step towards making it a practical reality.

In collaboration with ‘Leeds Becket University’, there is now a new position that’s currently being advertised to supervise a PhD student who will work on the development of a management tool for damp control. This is fantastic news that also builds on the development of the analytical software that will be available EXCLUSIVE for PCA members for obtaining reliable data evaluation through our diagnostic reporting tool.

This is another proud moment for the PCA, but also for all our PCA members too. This is YOUR money that is helping to make these scientific breakthroughs happen allowing you, our PCA members, to be recognised for your expertise.

Look out for further updates soon. In the meantime, if you just so happen to know an expert in the field that meets the job spec, tell them to click on the button below!

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PCA MEMBERS ONLY – Autumn Regional Meeting Dates

As reported in last weeks email, we now have the dates for the two virtual regional meetings. They are:

  • Northern Meeting: 22nd Sept 2020 – 9.30-11.30
  • Southern Meeting: 23rd Sept 2020 – 9.30-11.30

To complement these dates, we now also have the beginnings of an agenda that includes:

PCA update

Well what a year 2020 has turned out to be! Steve Hodgson will provide a PCA Update on how it has tackled this year and the impact will have moving forward.

Green deal – what does it mean to me?

We will also be looking at the latest Green Deal and how PCA members can get involved in the scheme.

Party Wall Act

A well-established piece of legislation and one that effects all sectors of PCA membership, but how well do you know the act? Mark Duckworth, Martin & Mortimer will be looking at will be looking at the philosophy behind the act how to comply and how to avoid the pitfalls.

The official agenda will be available to PCA Members next week. In the meantime however, we do hope if you are a PCA Member, you will join us. There is certainly plenty to catch up on.

If you are interested in joining us virtually, then please contact James Berry at [email protected] or call 01480 400 000 to register and get your Zoom link.

Click to Contact Us >>

New Guidance from Defra for Invasive Plants

In the build-up to Brexit it is important to remember that the vast majority of EU legislation is being retained until and unless it is specifically revoked or altered by the UK and/or devolved Governments starting in 2021.

With this in mind please be aware that last week, as forecast in an earlier blog New Legislation for Invasive Alien Species, Defra published clear Guidance on the EU IAS Regulations (for England & Wales) and it is worth a read!

There is a lot to digest so we will write a further note, but it is pleasing to see that for management services, the Guidance specifically recommends the use of professional/accredited species-control specialists (such as PCA members!).

Also, importantly, for the most widely spread species listed under the IAS Enforcement and Permitting Order 2019 (including Giant Rhubarb, Giant hogweed and Himalayan balsam), if you want to keep, grow etc. or transport these plants (other than for disposal/destruction) e.g. for training/research purposes, you will need to apply for a licence from Natural England or NRW.

Click for More Info >>

HSE: Managing Risks & Risk Assessment

For all our smaller PCA members and any other small contractors reading this, HSE has recently published updated information off the back of COVID19 to help manage risk within workplaces.

Their step-by-step guide features a short video explaining what your, as employers, should do to manage risk in your workplace and protect your workers, and other people, from harm.

In HSE web pages also include:

  • advice on identifying hazards, controlling risks, recording findings, and reviewing controls
  • a risk assessment template and examples of typical businesses’ assessments
  • details of more information and links on managing risk

To find out more, click on the button below.

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Training: Defects in Cavity Construction

Defects in Cavity Construction
Date: 1st October 2020
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: Just £185 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

Our one-day training course casts a spotlight on understanding cavity construction, ideal for anyone already involved, or who wish to become involved in the surveying of buildings.

In a world where we are seeing growing concern around defects in cavity walls, and a rise in companies looking to exploit these growing concerns, it is essential that all property professionals who inspect buildings understand these defects.

Don’t just take our word for it – read Technical Manager James Berry’s review of the course.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000 or email [email protected]

Click for More Info >>

Remember to keep in the loop…

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