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20 Nov 2021 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 20th November 2021

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • The cost of poor housing...
  • Our 'Top Tips' are in The Sun!
  • Get involved this Maintenance Week!
  • 2022 Training & Development Prospectus
  • The value of CITB hits the headlines!
  • Join our December webinar
  • CABI's latest report on biological control
  • Wood Identification
  • HSE Working Minds Campaign

The cost of poor housing in England...

According to a recent report from BRE (The Building Research Establishment), poor housing in England costs the NHS £1.4 Billion per year! This issue has been covered in the media a fair amount lately, in particular casting a spotlight on housing associations and the failures to rectify poor living conditions for their tenants - we must applaud these journalists for continuing to highlight this issue. The PCA welcomes any review that leads to improving our housing stock which Technical Manager James Berry discusses in his latest blog... You can read more by clicking on the button below.

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Our 'Top Tips' are in The Sun!

The PCA and our members received some great press exposure when our 'Top Tips for Winter Maintenance' was picked up by The Sun earlier this week! The release has been featured online, in print and across their social media channels up and down the country, which has kickstarted our programme of events for Maintenance Week. For those who may not have seen the article, you can click on the button below.

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Get involved this Maintenance Week!

A reminder that National Maintenance Week starts today: 19th-26th November 2021. We are posting helpful information and advice across our social media channels from today and over the course of the week. This is a great opportunity to get involved, to use, add to, download and share all these top tips and keep an eye out!  

2022 Training & Development Prospectus

Our 2022 Training & Development Prospectus is now available to view and download, which includes all of our online and classroom-based courses. Get in touch with the training team today on 01480 400000 and book your training today!

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The value of CITB hits the headlines!

You will recall the frustration we have expressed with CITB over the past few years. So the headline 'Builders trade body wants to “deconstruct” CITB' certainly got our attention! Our experience and knowledge has led us to the opinion that CITB is not adding value to our industry and it is very encouraging to see others supporting this view too. We will continue to lobby for PCA members, but for now you can read the article from The National Federation of Builders via the button below...

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Join our December webinar

Our last webinar for 2021 has something for all sectors of membership as we discuss 'Buildings & Wildlife - What are your responsibilities?'. Join us and Julie Riley from Wildscapes on Thursday 2nd December as we discuss wildlife found in property, developments or amenity areas, and what considerations do all construction professionals, developers & invasive weed specialists need to take into account? To find out much more, simply click on the button below to register!

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CABI's latest report on biological control

As we focus on Integrated Weed Management plans, those in the invasive weed sector can access the most recent report from CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International) on biological control. The overall situation continues to be that, apart from Azolla, there are no commercially viable ‘biological’ control options available for invasive weeds in the UK! Nevertheless, CABI report that field evaluations sites are increasing in number and range, and a new strain of Psyllid beetle is being evaluated for Japanese knotweed control in the Netherlands. We should see early results from this trial appearing soon (first releases 2020), but for now, you can view this latest report via the button below.

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Wood Identification

Wood Identification Date: 24th March 2022 Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon Cost: Members £195 +VAT / Non-members £250 +VAT >> Need more information on the course - click here Learn how to identify the most common structural timbers found within house construction. Using a variety of identification methods, this course will help you develop the necessary practical skills required to recognise different types of softwood and hardwood visually, physically and through microscopic analysis. Contact the training team today on 01480 400000, or email [email protected].

Click for more info >>

HSE Working Minds Campaign

The law requires all employers to prevent work related stress to promote, support and sustain good mental health in the workplace. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has launched their 'Working Minds' campaign, which brings together a range of tools and support to help businesses and workers understand the best ways to prevent work related stress and encourage good mental health. You can find out more by clicking on the button below.

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