Property Care Association Property Care Association

13 Oct 2020 < Back

NEW Online Course - Moisture Risks in Buildings

Research indicates that 80% of building failure is related to moisture. It therefore goes without saying that any building professional should have a basic understanding of the impact that moisture can have on the built environment, and how it can be controlled.

There can be many sources of moisture in buildings including rainwater, ground water, the moisture we make as we occupy a property and even the construction process itself – all of which can contribute to damp related problems. Furthermore, in many instances the problem may be a result of a number of these.

Damp problems can be straightforward but as we strive to improve our existing housing stock to reach our carbon footprint goals, these issues are becoming increasing complex.

Develop your knowledge with our online training!

So if an understanding of moisture is essential for building professionals, where do you go to gain or improve your knowledge? Well, in addition to our existing training portfolio we are delighted to announce to that we have the opportunity to deliver UK Centre for Moisture in Building’s ( UKCMB) ‘Understanding and Managing Moisture Risks in Buildings’ course.

The course is based around the four principles set out in ‘Moisture in Buildings: An Integrated Approach to Risk Assessment and Guidance’ by Neil May and Chris Sanders (BSI, London, 2018) and in the forthcoming new edition of BS 5250.

These principles are:

  • Context: understanding the building’s history, setting, construction, condition, occupancy pattern, etc.
  • Coherence: adopting a consistent, integrated, whole-building approach to all aspects of new-build and retrofit.
  • Caution: identifying, assessing and managing moisture risks, and, where knowledge is limited, erring on the side of caution.
  • Capacity: ensuring adequate capacity in building systems rather than over-optimising, to allow for unexpected or changing circumstances.

PCA is the first to offer this UKCMB course

The Property Care Association is the first organisation to have secured dates with UKCMB for a fully online CPD training experience and we are delighted to be able to offer this to both PCA members, and non-members.

The course will run over four days from 09.30-13.00, covering one of the four principles each day as follows:

  • 23rd November: Context
  • 24th November: Coherence
  • 25th November: Caution
  • 26th November: Capacity

Contact our Training Team

Further details on the course will be available shortly, but in the meantime, if you would like to register your interest please contact the training team on 01480 400000, or via the button below:

Contact Us >>


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