Property Care Association Property Care Association

28 Feb 2018 < Back

Trade body advice to stop big chill’s impact on homes

A national trade body is urging householders to be vigilant to the impact of the cold spell on their properties.

The Property Care Association (PCA) says the chilly weather can take its toll on air quality indoors.

It says condensation can become a particular issue, usually in poorly heated, badly ventilated and energy inefficient homes.

Steve Hodgson, Chief Executive of the PCA, said: “In these adverse conditions dampness associated with condensation can affect homes which usually present no obvious problems.

“And in areas where mould is already an issue, the excessive cold can lead to surfaces streaming with water.

“To avoid such issues it’s important to try and keep the air inside as warm as possible.

“Ventilation should not be reduced. In very cold weather the air outside is relatively dry and this is needed to maintain a level of moisture balance that supports a healthy living environment.

“We also advise that roof void hatches are not opened to stop pipes freezing, as this just puts heat into the atmosphere and moisture into the roof space, which in turn is likely to freeze anyway.”

The PCA has a free to download guide which provides tips on reducing the effects of condensation – access here.

Related information

Homeowners guide to condensation

Video:  The importance of ventilation to tackle condensation and its consequences in buildings

PCA Residential Ventilation Group – a point of reference to find expert advice and expertise


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