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27 Feb 2019 < Back

BS 8102 - Will the Standards Ever Be Revised?

Is it just us or is everyone else feeling frustrated as to how long it is taking to push through amendments to to BSI regarding BS 8102? One of the main objectives of the PCA structural waterproofing group during 2018 was to secure a revision of BS 8102 Code of Practice for Protection of Below Ground Structures Against Water from the Ground .


Is BSI dragging their heels over BS 8102?

Despite correspondence with BSI almost a year ago and their initial response being moderately optimistic, it has since felt like they have been dragging their heels.

Whilst we do appreciate that the tragic events at Grenfell has created a rush to improve fire standards, does this mean other standards should be sidelined and not improved?!? Last week we wrote again to BSI (click to see our letter to BSi ) following their request for additional supporting information.


Improved Tech and Updated Best Practice for BS 8102

The current version of this document was released ten years ago and work on the revision will have started well before this date. In this time the structural waterproofing sector has grown considerably with ever increasing numbers and complexity of underground structures. The well-publicised housing shortage and inflating land values have increased the viability of underground structures and as the industry continues to grow and evolve, the British Standard needs bringing up-to-date  to reflect improved technologies and new standards in best practice.


Recommendations for this revised BS 8102 standard

Some of the recommendations have included:

  • More reflective on how ground gas solutions can alter waterproofing design
  • Revision of grades of waterproofing to remove consideration of atmospheric moisture. (It is our belief this should include consideration for all grades, but the emphasis here must be on water penetration.)
  • Greater inclusion for fire risk in the design


We Don’t want to Fail to bring BS 8102 up-to-date

There is also a strong feeling that failure to bring the document up to date will leave the PCA Code of Practice well behind industry best practice by the time of the next planned review.  From a PCA perspective, this is clearly not ideal ad we will be doing our up most to push the revisions through.  As much as it is not ideal to finish this blog off in the way we are about to, but it looks to be a case of “watch this space”!  Here’s hoping we will come back to you with some good news in the near future…


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