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The Joint Statement from RICS, Historic England & the PCA - The Implications of Investigating Moisture in Traditional Buildings

Webinar: The Joint Statement from RICS, Historic England & The PCA

The Implications of Investigating Moisture in Traditional Buildings

With the upcoming launch of the NEW joint statement with Historic England and the ‘Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ (RICS) for the ‘Investigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings’ at the 2022 Property Care Conference; what exactly is this new unified approach to investigating dampness in historic and traditional buildings? How big of a shift in standards is it and how does this new jointly agreed document affect and shape what surveyors, property professionals and PCA members do when investigating dampness in traditional buildings? In addition, what are the full implications of this new document and will this see the start of a new era for moisture diagnostics? 

To find out the answers and to learn much more, join us for our live webinar on Thursday 29th September 2022 from 9-10am as we go into detail regarding the new publication and the key points to takeaway.  To join, simply click on the 'Register' button.

What you will learn from the webinar?

  • Overview of this collaborative joint statement/agreement
  • What exactly has changed when undertaking moisture diagnostics
  • Key takeaways from the new publication
  • How it impacts surveyors and property specialists up and down the country

Benefits - Why you should watch the webinar

  • Learn the skills and processes that should be adopted before any investigation of dampness in historic or traditional buildings
  • Gain a better understanding of the vernacular construction methods often evident in these buildings
  • Understand how you can help better protect historic and traditional building assets when investigation or rectifying dampness issues
  • Straightforward online learning while sitting at your desk
  • Benefit from gaining 2 CPD points

About the presenter – James Berry

James Berry joined the Property Care Association (PCA) team as Technical Manager in 2016 having previously worked as a surveyor for a national preservation company. He holds a degree in Applied Geology and both the CSRT and CSSW accreditations. He is passionate about the need for adopting a holistic approach to tackling moisture in the built environment and is the lead on the new Residential Ventilation Group sector of the PCA. James is also responsible for the running of the structural waterproofing sector of the association. 

Additional information about investigating dampness

The new jointly agreed publication on the ‘Investigation of moisture and its effects on traditional buildings’ will be available soon after the launch at the 2022 Property Care Conference.

In the meantime however, for those looking to find out more about the investigation of dampness in buildings, you can visit our professional pages for both Investigating dampness and Surveying dampness in historic & traditional buildings.  In addition, there are plenty of professional guidance and ‘best practice‘ documents via our damp control document library.  Simply click on the button below to visit the library.

Damp control document library >>

Our 'on-demand' webinar/video library

We now have quite an extensive library of previous webinars 'on-demand' for anyone interested in developing their knowledge and understanding on a variety of subjects such as damp, structural waterproofing, invasive weed control, ground gas and many more!

Simply get yourself a cup of tea and a biscuit and click on the button below to view the library and watch any of our previous CPD webinars.

View more webinars >>

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