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10 Dec 2021 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 11th December 2021

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Making a difference
  • New venue!
  • Update on changes to Flood Re Scheme
  • Updated BMI (Building Moisture Index) Technology
  • Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
  • Support and manage disability & health at work

Making a difference

Legislation may have been the focus on the 'Buildings & Wildlife Webinar' last week, but it is about much more than that. It is about doing the right thing and looking after the environment and wildlife around us and being a responsible industry, as Technical Manager James Berry discusses in his latest blog. You can read more by clicking on the button below.

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New venue!

As we approach the end of 2021, we are delighted to share with you that we now have a NEW location at the University of Stirling for our Certificated Surveyor of Timber and Dampness in Buildings (CSTDB) training course - and what's more, we can promise that this new venue will provide a better training facility for this course in 2022 and beyond. At a time when we need to address the skills shortage, investing in training and development has never been more important to us all. To find out more about our new Scottish location and the course taking place, click on the button below...

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Update on changes to Flood Re Scheme

We were pleased to receive news from Flood Re this week. The organisation was created and mandated by Government to ensure the most at-risk homes in the UK can secure insurance against flooding. The important element contained within their concise report is that they will soon be able to sanction funds to allow the insured to "build back better". In essence, those who subsequently suffer flooding will be able to draw down up to £10K to improve the flood resilience of their homes. This is a welcomed development, and we hope that this will help promote the adoption of professionally installed property flood resilience. To find out more, click the button below...

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Updated Condensation and Mould Diagnostic System!

Not only has the technology been updated by name, but it's also been updated with exciting new packaging and a NEW downloadable brochure! At a time where the Housing Ombudsman has just announced the need for damp & mould to be a higher priority repair stating..." effective diagnosis is critical", our 'Condensation & Mould Diagnostic System' can play a key role in the diagnosis and remedial treatment of excess atmospheric moisture conditions. Interested? For those who want to download our NEW Condensation and Mould Diagnostic brochure, simply click on the button below.

More information here >>

Download brochure here >>

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

For those whose business and work involves the use of hand-guided powered equipment and powered machines, or the regular and frequent use of hand-held power tools, you will be well aware that by law we must all assess and identify measures to eliminate or reduce risks from exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration in order to protect ourselves and employees'. Access the guides from HSE via the button below.

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Support and manage disability & health at work

We are all too aware of the challenges in recruiting and retaining people and therefore, it's crucial that you have the tools to prevent long-term absence and avoid job loss because of ill health or disability. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) is supporting the Government in the development and testing of a new online service for employers to provide advice and guidance on managing health and disability in the workplace. To view the test service, click on the button below.

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Other recent news or related info

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