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10 May 2019 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 10th May 2019

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Hodgson View – Flood Protection:Time for FloodRe to Step Up!
  • International Structural Waterproofing Conference
  • AGM – Something a bit different this year!
  • PCA attends RICS Meeting
  • You asked…so we delivered!
  • Promoting Best Practice through Technical Documents
  • Step into Spring with some Training!
  • In the News
  • Dampness and poor installation of Cavity Trays

Flood Protection – Time for FloodRe to Step Up!

There is no doubt the flood protection industry is in serious decline. With warnings from the Environment Agency and Emma Howard Boyd just yesterday to prepare for the worst, is the flood protection industry being properly funded? Is it time for FloodRe to step up?!

Read the latest Hodgson by clicking the button below.

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International Structural Waterproofing Conference 2019

Don’t miss the opportunity to “Learn, Grow and Connect” at the 2019 International Structural Waterproofing Conference for a journey into the deepest realms of structural waterproofing on the 17th July 2019.

Bring together leading individuals in the structural waterproofing, development and construction industry, this is the must-attend event for anyone wanting to be at the forefront of the UK construction sector.

To find out more and to book your place, click on the button below.

Click to find out more

AGM – Something a bit different this year!

This year we’re trialling something different! our AGM will be held here at PCA Headquarters in Huntingdon on Thursday 13 June as part of our first ever ‘Open Day’. We are putting together an interesting agenda for the day and are looking to live stream the AGM if you are unable to attend – but we would like to see as many of you as possible on the day as it is one of the most important dates in the PCA calendar!

We also have two vacant positions on the Board that we need to fill. Are you interested in making a difference? What could you bring to the table? If you would like more information on what’s entailed in becoming a Board member then please call Sue on 01480 400001 for an informal chat.

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PCA attends RICS Meeting regarding Knotweed

On Tuesday PCA staff and a number of our members attended another meeting drawn together by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in London following the evidence gathering sessions by the Science & Technology Select Committee in January regarding advice and control of Japanese Knotweed.

As a result, it is anticipated that work will soon start to refresh existing surveyor guidance. However further evidence has been published by the Committee and for those who wish to review the story so far, simply click on the button below. We now await the final committee report and will naturally inform members of its publication.

Click to read more

You asked…so we delivered!

We recently introduced you to the new PCA Greenhouse, now we’re beginning to fill it with the all important plants! This investment follows requests from PCA members for further training on the identification of Invasive Plants, which led to the launch of a new course focussing on the identification of around 15 common terrestrial invasive species in the UK. This is an exciting opportunity to work with live samples and extend knowledge with invasive species that are causing problems within the UK.

So what does the course involve? Get in touch with Jade today: [email protected]. Miss the opportunity, miss out!

  • Course: Invasive Plant Identification Course
  • Date: 1st August 2019
  • Location: PCA Head Office – Huntingdon
  • Price: £295 + VAT (Member Rate – and includes a copy of the ‘Practical Management of Invasive Non-Native Weed in Britain and Ireland’ and the ‘Field Guide to Invasive Plants and Animals in Britain’, currently valued at around £50).

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Promoting Best Practice through Technical Documents

One of the key aims of the PCA is to promote best practice and we are extremely proud of the technical documents produced by the structural waterproofing group over the last couple of years. The PCA is continuing to expand its waterproofing technical library with two documents currently in the early stages of production:

  • Pumping Station Discharge Guidance – looking at discharge point selection and consideration around where the system discharges to.
  • Repairs Systems to Type B Systems

We will update members on the progress of these documents.

Click to view the library

Step into Spring with some training

Ground Gas Protection Measures – Installation & Verification

This is a highly practical one day workshop, keeping technicians up to speed with best practice and the latest CIRIA C735 guidance on the verification of gas protection measures.

Waterproofing Awareness

This course will enable team members to consider how they need to work to fit in with the waterproofing team to help avoid technical mistakes and project delays etc. The training is at a level for those who will benefit from a basic understanding of structural waterproofing, and for whom a technician level course would be too in depth.

Thermography Course

This workshop is a basic orientation day for those who want to know more about thermography and deepen their understanding of the application of thermography as a diagnostic aid. The use of thermal imaging equipment is growing and with training it can provide a new and exciting insight into the performance of a building.

Contact the training team today on 0844 375 4301 or email [email protected].

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In the News

This week sees coverage continuing with Kris Marriott’s ‘Apprenticeship’ success at the Southern Counties and London Master Builder Awards featured in UK Construction Blog and SurveyorLink. The article was tweeted across Twitter too: Surveyor Link Ltd, Pierce & Biersadorf, Rapid Grid Ltd and Open Plan Solutions (HunBuild).

Advice for homeowners to be vigilant with Woodworm this Spring has been featured in Pontefract and Castleford Express.

Remember to keep in the loop…Find out the latest news instantly by following the PCA via our social media channels.

Dampness and poor installation of Cavity Trays

Understanding all forms of dampness is important and a recent article from Local Authority Building Control (LABC) regarding damp and poor installation of cavity trays makes for interesting reading – could earn you CPD points too!

LABC has also created a handy checklist that explains where to position your cavity trays and when to add weep holes below. To view, simply click to get your cavity trays checklist.

Click to read more


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