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15 Mar 2019 < Back

PCA Weekly News Round Up - 15th March 2019

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • PCA Conference 2019 – Save the Dates!
  • PCA Hosts CABE Webinar
  • Structural Waterproofing Apprenticeships Dates
  • PCA presenting at UCL Event
  • BS 8102 – Will we see an Update Soon?
  • South West Regional Meeting
  • 2019 Regional Meetings are Underway **Members Only**
  • IWCG Open Meeting
  • Training & Development

PCA Conference 2019 – Save the Dates!

Bringing together leading experts, the latest insights and the topics that matter to our industry, the 2019 PCA Conferences are confirmed as follows:

  • International Structural Waterproofing Conference – Wednesday 17th July 2019
  • International Invasive Weed Conference – Thursday 21st November 2019
  • International Preservation Conference – Thursday 21st November 2019

All to be held at The Slate, University of Warwick, Coventry – watch this space for more information coming soon!

Click for More Info

PCA Hosts CABE Webinar

PCA’s Steve Hodgson and James Berry hosted the ‘Compliant Ventilation in Domestic Dwellings Webinar’ earlier this week.

Over 140 people joined the webinar, which looked at the assessment and evaluation of ventilation in existing buildings, as well as applicable legislation. Some great feedback and lots of questions have been received, but if you missed it, don’t worry, you can view the recording by clicking on the button below.

View the Webinar

Structural Waterproofing Apprenticeships Dates

We are delighted to share with members that we now have the start date for the first Structural Waterproofing Apprenticeship cohort:

  • 15th–18th October 2019!!

If you require any further details, or wish to book your place, please contact Jade on [email protected].

Contact us for more info

PCA presenting at UCL Event

UCL invited Steve Hodgson to talk at the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE) Open Day on 27th March.

It is the PCA’s and UCL first major opportunity to showcase the research we are undertaking through the ongoing KTP project run by Dr Paula Lopez-Arce and will not only demonstrate our investment in research, but also our collaboration on many UKCMB and IEDE projects.

Click to Find Out More

BS 8102 – Will we see an Update Soon?

Following our frustration with BSI on how long it is taking to push through amendments to BS 8102, our letter to BSi (following their request for additional supporting information) has received the following response, which we’d like to share with members:

“Thank you for providing comprehensive comments, on behalf of the BCA, to support a revision of BS 8102. This code is now undergoing its 5-year systematic review within the BSI national committee B/526. I will inform its members of these comments along with the those you submitted last year. The review period closes at the end of April, so I expect a decision will be made in May on whether to support a revision of BS 8102. I will be in touch once I have further information.”

Let’s hope it’s a case of ‘slow and steady wins the race’ and we see an update on the revision soon!

Click to Read More

2019 Regional Meetings are Underway **Members Only**

Our Spring Regional Meetings continue and this week saw the South West (Bristol) take place to a packed audience, who heard an update from the PCA’s Andy Ferguson who presented your Association’s marketing strategy for 2019 and Koppers looked at the specifications of timbers and the implications of the building regulations.

Next on the schedule is the Midlands (Hinkley) Regional Meeting which takes place on 20th March. If you wish to attend, please let James Berry know on [email protected] and we’ll save you a seat! Download the agendas for each meeting via the link below.

Click for the Agendas

IWCG Open Meeting

The Invasive Weed Control Group’s first ‘Open Meeting’ of the year took place on 25th February. The main item of business were:

  • The PCA’s up-coming meeting with RICS and when we expect to discuss IP27/2012 (their Risk Assessment model for JKW)
  • A review of training and the announcement that the PCA Board have supported the creation of a new course (Terrestrial INNS Identification for roll-out later this year)
  • Preparations have started for this years Invasive Weed Conference and Awards dinner (21st November) with many ideas for speakers coming forward to the Steering Group
  • Our technical guidance documents are due for review and various members have agreed to look at them and update/change if necessary – ahead of adding to the PCA branded template

The next meeting is planned for October 2019 and we will update members with more information nearer the time.

Get ahead and kickstart your training

Wood Identification for the Infestation Surveyor

Ideal for delegates who need to understand how to identify the most common structural timbers found in house construction, using a variety of methods and to help them develop the necessary practical skills.

The course is run over one day and incorporates classroom based learning backed up by the use of timber samples to help delegates put their new knowledge into practical application.

Customer Service and Administration **MEMBERS ONLY**

This workshop will be of benefit to anyone who works as part of a team and deals with customers at any point, undertaking tasks such as dealing with enquiries, managing bookings and communicating with customers.

Contact the training team today on 0844 375 4301, email [email protected] or alternatively, click on the ‘contact us’ button below.

Click to Contact Us


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