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PCA Weekly News - 18th April 2019

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Glyphosate in the Spotlight!
  • Meet the PCA Greenhouse
  • 2019 STBA-SPAB Conference
  • Changes to HSE Processes
  • Step into Spring with Some Training

Glyphosate in the spotlight!

The herbicide Glyphosate is often quoted as being the biggest selling chemical active ingredient in the plant protection market, so why are we seeing headlines suggesting that glyphosate is harmful, in particular that it causes cancer? To put it mildly it seems that everyone, both public and professional, is confused!

Read our very own Peter’s thoughts on the subject of Glyphosate and let us know what you think!

Click to read more

Meet the PCA greenhouse

Meet the PCA Greenhouse! We are getting ready for the NEW Invasive Plant Identification Course which takes place on 1st August 2019 and this greenhouse will be home for many invasive plant species over the coming weeks, months and years!

The course will focus on the identification of live samples, ecology and habitats for each species, biosecurity and much more.

Get in touch with [email protected] to register your interest!

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2019 STBA-SPAB conference

The 2019 STBA-SPAB Conference & Expo – Sustainability of Traditional Buildings – will take place on 11th June in London.

The sustainability of old buildings is reliant on their ongoing use and reuse in the modern world. The event looks at the important role materials play, hearing from those successfully carrying out retrofit/refurbishment and an update on the STBA large-scale pilot of retrofit using the whole-house approach (funded by the BEIS Building Thermal Efficiency Innovation Fund).

PCA members are eligible for the partner rate of £90 +VAT. Register via the button below:

Click to register

Changes to HSE processes

We would like to make members aware that the suite of RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) forms are being refreshed to improve user experience, give an enhanced look and feel and will go live at the end of April. Reporting requirements remain unchanged.

Also, HSE’s cost recovery rate for Fee for Intervention (FFI) will increase to £154 per hour with effect from 6 April 2019. This means that businesses that are found to be in material breach of health and safety law will be charged at this new rate.

Click to read more

Step into Spring with some training

Wood Identification for the Infestation Surveyor

Ideal for delegates who need to understand how to identify the most common structural timbers found in house construction, using a variety of methods and to help them develop the necessary practical skills.

Ground Gas Protection Measures – Installation & Verification

This is a highly practical one day workshop, keeping technicians up to speed with best practice and the latest CIRIA C735 guidance on the verification of gas protection measures.

Contracting and Client Relationship Workshop

Understand the contractual aspects of supervising or managing works on site, to avoid potential pitfalls and penalties by ensuring your company meets its obligations. A one-day workshop comprising classroom-based learning, providing an opportunity for delegates to offer their ideas and share their experiences.

Contact the training team today on 0844 375 4301 or email [email protected].

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