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19 Sep 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 19th September 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • New Ground Gas Code of Practice
  • Bat Roosts and Preservation Works
  • New Online Course!
  • International Research Group Launches New INNS Standard
  • CPD Webinar – For All Sectors of Membership
  • Training: Safe Use of Biocides
  • EA Report into Propert Flood Resilience

New Ground Gas Code of Practice

We are delighted to share with members the first official ‘Code of Practice for Protection of Structures from Ground Gases‘, for the Ground Gas sector. For ground gas specialists this is a must read! Despite the challenges that 2020 has thrown us, we have continued to develop this new sector of membership and have held our first Ground Gas: Design & Detail course too!

Please feel free to share and circulate this document and let your contacts see the high level of professionalism you, as PCA ground gas professionals, must adhere to.

To view and download the document from our ever-growing Technical Document Library, simply click on the button below.

Click to View >>

Bat Roosts and Preservation Works

Whilst this blog is certainly closer to home for James than he would have liked (as he tackles some of his own home improvements), here he shares with members some thoughts on how we need to be doing all we can to protect the natural habitat of bats, when balancing preservation works.

Click on the button below to read more…

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New Online Course!

We are delighted to announce to members that we have the opportunity to deliver UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings’s (UKCMB) ‘Understanding and Managing Moisture Risks in Buildings course’.

Your Association is the first organisation to have secured dates with UKCMB for a fully online CPD training experience and we are delighted to be able to offer this to both PCA members, and non-members. The course will run over four days from 09.30-13.00, covering a specific topic on each day as follows:

  • 23rd November: Context
  • 24th November: Coherence
  • 25th November: Caution
  • 26th November: Capacity

Further details on the course will be available shortly, but in the meantime, if you would like to register your interest for please contact the training team on 01480 400000.

Click for More Info >>

International Research Group Launches New INNS Standard

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has launched a new Risk Assessment tool to help identify new threats from invasive alien species. This will be of particular interest to those involved in ecological surveys.

However, even for those whose main activity is domestic surveys, this news is yet more evidence that invasive species and their control is a worldwide concern and one which is attracting ever increasing attention (and budget allocation) from Governmental organisations.

Research like this, together with IUCN’s authoritative stance, can only help to emphasise the importance of the work YOU do to both detect and control these threats.

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CPD Webinar – For All Sectors of Membership

Whether you are a damp, timber, structural waterproofing, ground gas, flooding or invasive weed specialist, do you know the reality and risks of being an expert witness? This is a question that Dr Paul Beckett from Phlorum Ltd will explore in our next CPD webinar!

Why not join us on Thursday 24th September from 9-10am for something a little bit different as we ask “are YOU right for the job or could you end up turning out to be the court jester!?!” Click on the button below to find out more and register. We hope to see you there!

Find Out More >>

Training: Safe Use of Biocides

Safe Use of Biocides
Date: 14th October 2020
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: Just £95 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

Designed for technicians, tradesmen or anyone that works with and uses biocides on a regular basis, the course provides candidates with the skills and confidence to carry out timber treatments to the highest industry standard, covering:

  • Wood preservatives and biocides
  • Causes of wood decay and basic identification skills
  • Environmental control as part of remedial treatment
  • Practical application skills & legislative framework

Candidates who pass will receive a ‘Professional Biocide User’ identification card and be added to the Professional Users of Biocides Register.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000 or email [email protected]

Click for More Info >>

EA Report into Property Flood Resilience

For PCA members within the flood sector, the Environment Agency (EA) has published a report into how behavioural insights can be applied to the field of Property Flood Resilience (PFR).

We draw your attention to the barriers and incentives identified in the report, which includes people changing their homes to be more flood resilient and also information that could be useful for flood risk management authorities in England to increase community uptake of PFR.

Members of our Flood Protection Group have the experience to deliver real value and grab the opportunity to deliver repairs that will protect buildings in the future. Click on the button to read the report.

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