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31 Jul 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News 1st Aug 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Recent Letter to the Chancellor – Voucher Scheme
  • The Reach of our Webinars Continues to Grow
  • Updated Doc: Hygroscopic Salts & Dampness
  • BS 5250 – Open for YOUR Consultation
  • HSE Guidance – Social Distancing in the workplace
  • 2021 Training Dates
  • Our NEXT CPD Webinar
  • Neil Salvidge – Your Questions Answered
  • LAST CHANCE – New Ground Gas Course
  • Update on the Amenity Standard

Recent Letter to the Chancellor – Voucher Scheme

Off the back of the Energy Savings Voucher/Grant Scheme announced to help improve millions of homes up and down the country, your Association very recently contacted both the ‘Chancellor of the Exchequer’ and the ‘Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy’ to discuss and potentially open up and extend the grant to promote additional improvements and to help make homes healthier, such as parallel grants to eliminate damp and mould issues or possibly flood resilience or protection.

Not only do we believe that this will help deliver on the Governments aim to help deliver healthy and efficient homes, but it will also deliver employment and economic gains while improving the housing stock for years to come.

We are currently waiting for a response however, when we do receive one, we will let you know.  In the meantime, you can view an example letter sent to all parties by clicking the button below.

View the Example Letter >>


The Reach of our Webinars Continues to Grow

As some of you may have read within Andy Ferguson’s recent blog ‘Who knew webinars had wings‘, we are really pleased to report the ripple effect & influence from these CPD webinars continues to grow.

Along with other organisations, the ‘Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)‘ has recently started to promote the PCA webinars through its own channel to its members circulating and spreading the message about PCA member skills to their large audience of property professionals we would not otherwise ‘reach’ through our traditional channels.

This is really pleasing for the Association and a real endorsement to the good work of YOU, our members. The CIOB is currently charging for the webinar resources through its channel however, our members can find ALL the webinars ‘on-demand’ via our webinar home page using the button below.

View OnDemand Webinars >>


Updated Doc: Hygroscopic Salts & Dampness

Continuing on from last week and the updated Technical Document on the ‘Use of Moisture Meter to Diagnose Dampness in Buildings‘, the second of our updated documents on dampness is now live on the website titled:  ‘Hygroscopic Salts & Rising Dampness

Similar to previous updates, the recently refreshed guidance includes a fresh new look as will as additional small updates throughout the document.

As mentioned last week, we will be reviewing all of the PCA documents within our technical library.  To view the recently updated guidance, click on the button below.

View Updated Doc >>


BS 5250 – Open for YOUR Consultation

We notified you a few weeks ago that BS 5250 Code of Practice for Management of Moisture in Buildings had been released for public consultation.

We have now had a chance to review the document and whilst the sentiment for the changes is commendable we have concerns about numerous areas and we will be providing a formal PCA response shortly.

The changes to the scope of this document mean that this affects numerous sectors of membership including waterproofing, damp proofing, and ventilation, and we would strongly encourage all members involved in any of these sectors to spend the time to review this document and comment accordingly.

The Deadline for comments is the 9th September and as we start coming into the holiday season this deadline will soon come round.

Add Your Views >>


HSE Guidance – Social Distancing in the workplace

HSE has recently produced guidance on social distancing in the workplace, with details on common areas, workstations, movement around buildings and more.

As you might expect, a lot of the guidance is information we have (to a certain degree) heard before however, with the risk of a potential second wave of COVID-19 increasing with what is occurring in European countries, it is even more important now to remain vigilant and to keep on reminding our teams on the importance of social distancing to keep everyone fit and healthy.

To find out more, click on the button link below.

Click for more info >>


2021 Training Dates

We know we are a little bit earlier than normal with next years training calendar and dates however, with many of our surveyor and technician courses now fully booked up for 2020, for anyone interested in many of our courses, our next availability is now not until 2021.

Currently, the 2021 training dates are only available as a PDF via the button below.  They will be up on the website soon. If you are however, interested in upskilling your team, please do get in touch with us soon for available dates and bookings.  Simply contact our training team on 01480 400 000 or email Jade directly at [email protected].

Click for more info >>


Our NEXT CPD Webinar

Following on from the PCA’s very first webinar on ‘Avoiding Failures in Podium Deck Waterproofing‘, we welcome back Ben Hickman for this next webinar on ‘Watertight Concrete’ focusing on issues such as what class of watertightness do we need for basement concrete while learning more about crack widths, waterproofing additives and repair.

Join us and Ben Hickman on Thursday 27th August 2020 from 9-10am as he discusses if basement waterproofing designers are correctly specifying Type B watertight concrete? and ‘what can you do to protect your reputation and waterproof design?’

Click to Register Now >>


Neil Salvidge – Your Questions Answered

Off the back of the recent ‘Verification of Ground Gas Protection Systems‘ webinar, presenter Neil Salvidge recently took some time out to put ‘pen to paper’ regarding some of the questions raised during the webinar.

For all those that joined us or for those looking to find out more, click on the button link below to catch up on questions that YOU may be asking yourself about ground gas.

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LAST CHANCE – New Ground Gas Course

Its the last chance for anyone interested in coming along to the first 2 day ‘Ground Gas: Design & Detail’ training course starting 19th August. This is an intense course that we have managed to squeeze into 2 days providing key knowledge and practical insights while developing understanding in all aspects of contaminated ground gas remediation strategies.

To find out more, contact our training team on 01480 400 000 or alternatively, ping Jade a message directly at [email protected]. To find out more about the course and what is involved over the 2 days, click the button link below.

Click for More Info >>


Update on the Amenity Standard

As most of our PCA Invasive Weed members will be aware, back in February, the PCA played a key role in supporting the new Amenity Standard that aims to highlight the importance of amenity management and the need to use professionally approved operators in public spaces.

Similar to most businesses however, COVID-19 caused a bit of a ‘bump in the road’ in terms of the promotion and development of this new scheme. Off the back of a recent press release from the Amenity Forum (click on the button below to view), we are encouraged to see the new Amenity Standard gain some fresh traction with additional organisations beginning to recognise and come on board with the scheme that helps to further promote the standard and the recognition of the new Amenity Standard badge.

We hope to see this new standard continue to grow and hopefully see our PCA invasive weed members benefit from this growth. For those members that are unfamiliar with the scheme, we would encourage you to go to the website and familiarise yourself with the messages. They will hopefully aid you when displaying, presenting and discussing the new Amenity Standard logo within your own marketing literature/plans.

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