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PCA Weekly News - 1st May 2021

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • We must get serious about building regulations
  • Next Webinar during Invasive Species Week
  • Japanese knotweed – Hot Topic this week!
  • Missed the webinar? View the recording…
  • Structural Waterproofing Update Course
  • Is this article for real?
  • Stress Talking Toolkit for Construction Sector

We must get serious about building regulations

The topic of ventilation has been on our radar more and more over this past year, with so many of us still working from home. We have seen the problems that many people continue to have to live with as this issue is continuously brushed under the carpet and ignored.

But ‘what’s the point in rewriting Approved Document F if we are simply going to ignore it again? If we are going to get serious about improving ventilation in buildings, then we simply must get serious about how we enforce it…’

These are questions PCA’s Technical Manager James discusses in his latest blog which members can access by clicking on the button below.

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Next Webinar during Invasive Species Week

In our ‘Invasive Species Week Special’ within the last week of May, join us and PCA Invasive Weed Group Member Jim Glaister on Thursday 27th May 2021 from 9-10am for our next LIVE broadcast: “How invasive weeds can impact the urban environment”.

Join Jim as he separates the myths and the reality of invasive weeds, and addresses how to head off future problems before they become insurmountable.

Find out more & Register via the button below.

Click to Register Now >>


Japanese knotweed – Hot Topic this week!

Condensation and mould were the hot topics last week and this week, it seems to be Japanese knotweed’s turn!

As the PCA’s PR activity to raise awareness of property related issues and how they can be resolved to gather momentum, it was pleasing to see another of our latest awareness news releases being picked up in the press – and by The Telegraph no less, as well as in Landscape & Amenity Product Update, Horticulture Week, MSN UK and Yahoo UK.

You can read the Telegraph article by clicking on the button below.

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Missed the webinar? View the recording…

Thanks to all who joined our webinar yesterday on ‘Understanding Wood-destroying Insects’. If you missed the live event, you can always watch it ‘on-demand’ via our webinar section on the website.

Click on the button below to watch presenter James Berry share his expertise and advice on wood destroying insects… ‘how much damage can these insects do to our homes?’… and ‘how can we spot the ‘tell-tale’ signs of infestation?”. Members can watch the recording via the button below.

View the Recording >>


Structural Waterproofing Update Course

Structural Waterproofing Update Course
Date: 24th June 2021
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: Members £195 +VAT / Non-members £250 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

The course is an intensive one-day interactive workshop and provides updates on new technologies, innovations and what is considered good general practice. With the amendments to the industry standard BS 8102:2009 in 2015, our structural waterproofing update course is the ideal way to develop knowledge and get up-to-speed with the changes.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000, or email [email protected].

Get in Touch! >>


Is this article for real?

We appreciate this article is taken from the The Sun newspaper, nevertheless, it still pains us to see that sometimes the message to help people control condensation and mould issues in peoples homes does not seem to be getting through when we read that homeowners are being ‘banned’ from hanging their washing out and forced to only dry it indoors by certain developers & property managers!

At the PCA, we will of course, continue to raise awareness and highlight the issue of moisture in buildings and how best to control it. However, in the meantime you can read the (dare we say it) ridiculous article within the button below!

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Stress Talking Toolkit for Construction Sector

Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has published a Work-related Stress Talking Toolkit for the construction sector, which our PCA members and many other property and construction professionals may find useful. Starting the conversation is an important first step in preventing work-related stress, and this toolkit may help members who wish to be proactive in addressing this issue.

You can access the toolkit by clicking on the button below.

Click for More Info >>



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