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28 Aug 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 29th August 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Green Homes Grant: Will we get it RIGHT?
  • Welcome back to Cohort 2
  • Autumn Regional Meeting Dates
  • Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
  • Training: Defects in Cavity Construction
  • Missed the Webinar? View the Recording

Green Homes Grant: Will we get it RIGHT?

We think the Green Homes Grant Scheme is a great boost to the construction sector as a whole. But when a lot of money is thrown into a scheme like this and the sector has a narrow window of time to take advantage of it, we anticipate a ‘Gold Rush’ mentality will take over. According to your Technical Manager Peter Fitzsimons in his latest blog, this may lead to failures, seen previously through a lack of appropriate checks and a failure to look at buildings holistically to ensure their functional design has not been compromised….

Is this likely to happen? We hope not. Click on the button below to read more…

Click to


Welcome back to Apprenticeship Cohort 2

It was great to welcome back Cohort 2 for the second week of their Structural Waterproofing Apprenticeship journey! Trainer Neil Marsden led the week fantastically as usual, ensuring all safety precautions were taken and Covid-19 guidelines were adhered to.

Feeling inspired? Why not check out our apprenticeship programme and get your staff qualified with a Level II NVQ Diploma in either:

  • Sub-Structure Work Occupations (Structural Waterproofing) or,
  • Insulation and Building Treatments (Wood Preserving and Damp-proofing)

Get in touch with Jade today to find out more on [email protected] or click on the button below…

Click for More Info >>


Autumn Regional Meeting Dates

As reported a couple of weeks ago, our Autumn round of Regional Meetings will be a little bit different this year. We now have the dates for the two virtual regional meetings. They are:

– Northern Meeting: 22nd Sept 2020 – 9.30-11.30
– Southern Meeting: 23rd Sept 2020 – 9.30-11.30

Further details and the agendas will follow over the next week or so however, if you are interested in joining us virtually, then please contact James Berry at [email protected] or call 01480 400 000 to register.

Click for More Info >>


Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

PCA Members may have seen in the news recently HMRC reporting about applications for furlough staff that were not necessary claims eligible under the scheme. HMRC went further to comment about the sad (but unsurprising) furlough fraud quoting to have received ‘7,000 tip offs’ in the first 3 weeks of July. These include however, unintentional breaches where employers have slightly misinterpreted the rules or have made an error in the completion of the claim form.

If, in the unlikely event, you may think you are one of these ‘unintentional breaches’, there is the ability to rectify claims, and adjustments can be made to future claims/monies paid back to HMRC. Our accountants at the PCA are anticipating a ‘checking programme’ will commence over the next 12 months and urge ALL PCA Members to:

  • Review all furlough claims before the scheme ceases
  • Ensure you have a good record of anything employees may have done that have benefited the company during furlough
  • Check with your accountants if you are unsure and ask for guidance and assistance from them

Click for More Info >>


Training: Defects in Cavity Construction

Defects in Cavity Construction
Date: 1st October 2020
Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon
Cost: Just £185 +VAT
>> Need more information on the course – click here

Our one-day training course casts a spotlight on understanding cavity construction, ideal for anyone already involved, or who wish to become involved in the surveying of buildings.

In a world where we are seeing growing concern around defects in cavity walls, and a rise in companies looking to exploit these growing concerns, it is essential that all property professionals who inspect buildings understand these defects.

Don’t just take our word for it – read Technical Manager James Berry’s review of the course.

Contact the training team today on 01480 400 000 or email [email protected]

Click for More Info >>


Missed the Webinar? View the Recording!

A big thank you to all that joined us for our latest CPD webinar yesterday: ‘Watertight Concrete’ yesterday. We had a great audience, with over 175 attendees and once again, lots of challenging questions being posed to our host Ben Hickman.

For those of you that might have missed it, you can now watch the replay ‘on-demand’ by clicking on the button below.

View the Recording >>


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