Property Care Association Property Care Association

29 Mar 2019 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 29th March 2019

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Homes Act 2018 – Is Dampness Back in the Spotlight?
  • Glyphosate ‘on trial’ in the US
  • Call for Papers – Be a part of the Conversation
  • Regional Meetings – Thanks to all who Attended! **Members Only**
  • PCA attends RICS Leaders Forum
  • Environment Agency Update on Statement 178
  • Step into Spring with some training
  • New Member
  • Police Advice – Is Your Building Site Secure?


Homes Act 2018 – Is Dampness Back in the Spotlight?

Historically as an industry we have been reactive in dealing with issues once they have arisen. We, and all PCA members who deal with damp, should not be missing this opportunity to get dampness in buildings very much back into the spotlight. Two of the parameters used to measure property standards for Fitness for Human Habitation include freedom from damp and suitable ventilation, so what has actually changed? Will this bring about pre-tenancy surveys?

Read James Berry’s review of the Homes Act via the button below:

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Glyphosate ‘on trial’ in the US

Many of you will remember that last summer a court in California found that exposure to Glyphosate was the cause of the plaintiff’s Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer). Now, another similar case has hit the headlines (‘Weedkiller glyphosate a ‘substantial’ cancer factor’), once again in California and via a jury-based trial and it will not be surprising if they arrive at a similar sum to last summers’ case.

Be aware that these reports will raise public concerns about Glyphosate, but the science is complicated despite the unanimous jury verdict. Bayer’s website states “We are disappointed with the jury’s initial decision, but we continue to believe firmly that the science confirms that glyphosate-based herbicides do not cause cancer.” It seems the arguments will rumble on. All we can do is keep abreast of developments and be prepared to respond to questions that will inevitably arise.

The PCA will update you as and when any or all of these cases are appealed.

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Call for Papers – Be a part of the Conversation

The International Structural Waterproofing Conference will be taking place on 17th July 2019. Don’t miss the opportunity to get your research in front of 200 likeminded fellows!

Submit your abstracts for presentations on topics relating to basement construction and underground waterproofing by 18th April to Sue at the PCA office, or via email: [email protected].

Click the button below to contact us for further information – Be a Part of the Conversation!

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Regional Meetings – Thanks to all who Attended! **Members Only**

Our Spring Regional Meetings concluded this week with our Scottish and Northern meetings taking place to packed audiences. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members who attended and we hope you found them valuable, we certainly did, it’s always a great pleasure to share updates with you as often as we can.

The Autumn round of Regional Meetings will commence later in the year and we will keep you informed as and when dates and speakers are confirmed.

We’re always here for our members and if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Click for the Agendas


PCA attends RICS Leaders Forum

Steve Hodgson and Peter Fitzsimons represented the PCA Invasive Weed Group at the RICS Leaders Forum headquarters last week – following the Commons Select Committee in January – neatly encapsulated in the title “Japanese knotweed – Not such a Knotty Problem”!

Discussions included the Risk Assessment categories currently used by RICS and the potential benefits of broadening the basis of ‘Risk’ from distance-alone. The next steps are likely to be the creation of a working group, under RICS leadership, looking at the existing Information Paper IP27/2012 and make proposals for a new approach.

Although IP27/2012 is no longer up on the RICS website, it is still accessible and remains the working model for knotweed risk categorisation. We will keep members informed as this programme unfolds.

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Environment Agency Update on Statement 178

Thank you to those who responded to the Environment Agency’s review of RPS178 (Regulatory Position Statement 178), giving details of permit exemptions where Japanese knotweed waste is being buried on-site. This updated version (26/3/19) is now available to view by clicking on the button below. This includes updates on:

  • Disposal of dead knotweed canes
  • Inclusion of a recommendation that all excavations/burials should only be undertaken by contractors ‘experienced in burying Japanese knotweed
  • Clarifications regarding sieved/screened soils

Please take the time to view this update and ensure the new text is shared with your colleagues.

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Step into Spring with some training

PCA Qualified Technician (PCAQT) – Damp & Timber


The 2-day course is designed to enhance a technician’s knowledge and understanding, as well providing a good foundation for those who have recently commenced a career in the building preservation industry. Successful candidates will be entitled to refer to themselves as a ‘PCA Qualified Technician (PCAQT)’.

Wood Identification for the Infestation Surveyor

Ideal for delegates who need to understand how to identify the most common structural timbers found in house construction, using a variety of methods and to help them develop the necessary practical skills.

Ground Gas Protection Measures – Installation & Verification

This is a highly practical one day workshop, keeping technicians up to speed with best practice and the latest CIRIA C735 guidance on the verification of gas protection measures.

Contact the training team today on 0844 375 4301, email [email protected] or alternatively, click on the ‘contact us’ button below.

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New Member

We are very pleased to welcome the following Provisional Contractor into membership:

Roger Francis (Invasive Weed)
GWP Property Services
Pantanas House
Mid Glamorgan
South Wales
CF46 5BN

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Police Advice – Is Your Building Site Secure?

Northamptonshire Police is issuing advice to developers, builders and sub-contractors following a recent spate of thefts from building sites across the County.

Whilst this notice is specific to this area of the country, construction sites with high value equipment, are lucrative places for thieves and the construction industry loses an estimated £43m a year through theft or vandalism.

The Building Site Security Advice document is available by clicking the button below:

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