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06 Jul 2020 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 4th July 2020

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Who knew Webinars had wings?
  • Trustmark launches ‘Work Safe. Safe Work’ campaign
  • National Occupational Standards
  • CLC Site Operating Procedures Version 5
  • NHBC Standard for Conversion & Renovation
  • Important to follow Govt Guidance on ‘2 metre rule’!
  • A return to Monthly CPD Webinars
  • Getting back up to speed with your Training

Who knew Webinars had wings?

Off the back of the Association ‘reigning back’ its weekly webinars as the nation gradually gets back to work, PCA’s Andy Ferguson sums up the success of the Property Care Association’s webinar programme over COVID-19 and the ripple effects of its success.

Even though our principal goal and intention was to help support and communicate to our members as best as possible during those unprecedented times, it has surprised us regarding both the numbers and indirect benefits that the webinars have generated. To find out more, click on the button below.

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Trustmark launches ‘Work Safe. Safe Work’ campaign

We can share with members, Trustmark’s ‘​Work Safe. Safe Work’​ campaign which was launched late yesterday. This has been created to advise and reassure homeowners who are looking to employ tradespeople in and around their homes in a post-COVID lockdown world.

Many of our members will be all too aware of consumers who are still reluctant to invite tradespeople into their home. Trustmark’s campaign is centred around giving consumers the confidence to safely hire tradespeople, key to the recovery of the industry.

Members can view and download their eight-page guidebook via the button below. This guide distils government guidance, and provides practical suggested safety practices for homeowners to consider before, during and after a tradesperson works in their home.

Click for More Info >>

National Occupational Standards

Over the last few weeks your Association has been engaged with CITB and other interested parties, looking at the National Occupational Standard (NOS) that sits behind the preservation NVQ and our apprenticeship programme.

We have looked closely at the Insulation and Building Treatments element of the standard and are pretty happy that significant amendments are unnecessary at this time. The Insulation part of the standard will be undergoing significant change however.

We are looking for support from PCA members from all four nations of the UK to support our view on this revision. This will ensure the standard is seen to be maintained and facilitate a future opportunity to review. One notable addition to the universal element of the NOS is the creation of a section that highlights the importance of continuity and compatibility. This is a subject that is important in damp control as well as insulation, and we welcome its addition.

The revision is still in development, but as soon as it is published we will share this with members.

Click for More Info >>


NHBC Standard for Conversion & Renovation

For some time now, your Association has noted that National House Building Council’s (NHBC) standard for Conversion & Renovation is currently a little out of step with the most up to date best practice for both damp control, and timber protection.

We are delighted that NHBC is now undertaking a revision of this standard and that your Association is assisting them with some of the specialist elements of this task. We will of course inform members of how they can see the revised standard when it is published.

CLC Site Operating Procedures Version 5

As reported to members in our mid-week email, the Construction Leadership Council’s (CLC) Site Operating Procedures have been updated to reflect the Government’s latest social distancing guidance of ‘one metre plus’.

Version 5 sees minimal changes to the Site Operating Procedures and include:

  • Updates to the ‘When to Travel to Work’ section
  • The latest peak times for public transport
  • Entry systems to be regularly cleaned rather than between each use
  • Drivers to have access to welfare facilities
  • Canteens that have been closed/offered a restricted service may now re-open

Members can access Version 5 by clicking on the button below.

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Important to follow Govt Guidance on ‘2 metre rule’!

A reminder to members that the 2 metre rule hasn’t changed…it has just been ‘amended’. Our Health & Safety partners Stallard Kane have put together a list of guidelines as the easing of lockdown begins this weekend, which includes:

  • Working locations, especially ‘close contact services’, should be segregated to follow social distancing rules of 2 meters – or follow the ‘one-metre-plus’ rule where this is not practicable
  • The ‘plus’ indicates you MUST have other mitigating measures in place, for instance:
    • avoiding face-to-face seating by changing office layouts
    • reducing the number of people in enclosed spaces
    • improving ventilation
    • using protective screens and face coverings
    • closing non-essential social spaces
    • providing hand sanitiser and changing shift patterns so that staff work in set teams
  • Face coverings on public transport etc. is mandatory regardless of the situation/distance.

Members can access the full guidance list via the button below.

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A return to Monthly CPD Webinars

Our series of monthly webinars will commence on Thursday 23rd July, from 9-10am with ‘Verification of Ground Gas Protection Systems‘.

Join us and Neil Salvidge to understand the vital role that yours and others’ play in the planning, instigating and completion of a successful project. Learn the importance of compliance with planning conditions set against the project and gain an understanding of this process in relation to the installation of ground gas protection systems.

Members can register for this webinar via the button below.

Click to Register Now >>

Getting back up to speed with your Training

Yesterday saw us running the Certificated Surveyor of Japanese Knotweed (CSJK) Exam Preparation Course, which greatly helps candidates prepare for their upcoming examinations. We have adapted our facilities in line with government guidelines to ensure the safety of candidates, lecturers and staff and have received very encouraging and positive feedback so far.

By enabling our training to continue and be available to you, our members, is very important to us and we look forward to welcoming more and more of you over the coming weeks and months ahead.

Our courses are filling up quickly, so be sure to get in touch with Amber or Jade on 01480 400000 to secure your place, or click on the button below.

Click for More Info >>

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