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22 Apr 2022 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 23rd April 2022

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Hodgson View: Property Flood protection Works - so why don't we buy it?
  • Tips for Social Media
  • 'Test Wall' - Phase 1 underway...
  • Next LIVE webinar
  • Safe use of Biocides for Professional Users
  • Stress Awareness Month - Show your Support

Hodgson View: Property Flood protection Works - so why don't we buy it?

Both our regular news readers & our PCA members know from the many blogs we've written on the subject, that flood resilience and resistance works. It gets people back in their homes faster and saves vast amounts of money and energy rich resources. Yet, it isn't quite incentivising us enough as homeowners to spend money on a 'what if', as PCA's CEO Steve Hodgson discusses in his latest 'Hodgson View'. You can read more by clicking on the button below.

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Tips for Social Media

Love it or loathe it, social media is a part of working life and many of you will agree that it has fundamentally changed the world we live and operate in. But how do we get the best out of it? How do we know what to post, when's best to post and on which channels? PCA's Technical Manager James Berry attended a social media masterclass recently and shares some valuable tips, which you can access via the button below...

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'Test Wall' - Phase 1 underway...

PCA's Technical team have recently built a 'test wall' at the Practical Training Centre, with the idea of running a number of experiments using a number of moisture measuring tools, to  compare and contrast the readings, ease of use and accuracy etc... We will also consider the impact of different wall coverings. We are pretty sure nothing like this has been carried out before and we look forward to sharing the journey with you. Videos will be shared over the coming weeks and months as we begin the experimentation phase....  

Next LIVE webinar

**JUST 1 WEEK** until our next LIVE webinar! Following on from the recent update to BS 8102:2022, our next broadcast raises the question 'Does this change our view of waterproofing?' What exactly are the updates and what has changed? What impact will the updates and changes have on design choices and waterproofing strategies moving forward? Will this updated guidance change our view to waterproofing? To find out the answers and to learn much more, join us and PCA Trainer Michael Earle, on Thursday 28th April 2022 from 9-10am.

Click for more info >>

Safe Use of Biocides for Professional Users

Safe Use of Biocides for Professional Users Date: 15th June 2022 Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon Cost: PCA Members - £105 +VAT / Non-members - £160 +VAT >> Need more information on the course - click here Demonstrate to customers, clients and employers your expertise in the use of biocides by taking our safe use of biocides for professional users course. Get your operatives qualified and onto the approved biocide register... Secure your place today! Contact the training team on 01480 400000 or email [email protected].

Click to Contact Us >>

Stress Awareness Month - Show your Support

It is a distressing fact that EVERY single working day in the UK, two construction workers take their own life, and that stress, anxiety and depression accounts for a fifth of all work-related illness. Help is available whether this be for yourself, your team/colleagues, your friends or your family and The Lighthouse Club, is an organisation specifically for those working within the construction industry. To find out more and access this valuable support, you can click on the button below...

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