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29 Aug 2021 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 28th August 2021

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Post-lockdown timber shortage…
  • Methodology given the Green Light!
  • BS 8102 out for public consultation
  • Missed the Webinar? View the recording!
  • Who knew Dry Rot was ‘art’!
  • Ransomware attacks in the construction sector
  • UKCMB Online Training
  • New Member to the Association

Is Recycled Timber REALLY a Bad Thing…

Many within our membership will be all too aware of the desperate shortage of building materials and with unprecedented demand for timber post-lockdown and the impact of climate change with an increasing number of wildfires, “is there anything that we can do about it? And could we adopt a ‘greener’ approach in reducing our carbon footprint along the way too…?”

It certainly got PCA Trainer and Examiner Gervais Sawyer thinking. To read his latest blog, members can click on the button below…

Click to

Methodology given the Green Light!

We were pleased to receive notification that the methodology for “Investigation of Moisture and its Effects in Traditional Buildings” has taken a step closer to wider publication.

Heritage organisations from the four countries of the UK, together with SPAB, IHEC and your Association have been invited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), to a working group to consider revisions before a planned publication by the RICS.

Further information of this will follow, but we would again recommend that every surveyor employed by PCA members who are involved with moisture diagnostics, download and familiarise themselves with the knowledge and processes set out in the draft document.

Read the Methodology >>

BS 8102 out for public consultation

Work on the review of ‘BS 8102 – Code of Practice for Protection of Below Ground Structures Against Water Ingress‘ has reached an important stage. On Monday we were informed that the document containing the work of the review group is out for public consultation. This will period will close on 23rd October.

Anyone can look over the draft document and submit thoughts, suggestions or objections to British Standards Institute (BSI) and comments will be in the public domain. Only after every comment has been considered can the document be finalised and approved for publication, probably early in 2022.

We would encourage all members with an interest in waterproofing to take some time to look at what is, after all, the document that sets the rules and expectations for an entire industry.

To register, simply click on the button below….

Click to Comment >>

Missed the Webinar? View the recording!

Thanks to ALL members who joined us yesterday for our LIVE webinar broadcast from Kassie Williams, Nuaire, on how we can identify and ‘Improve the Air Quality in Existing Dwellings‘.

For any members who may have missed it, or for those of you that want to circulate it to your teams, the replay is now available on-demand. Simply click on the button below to view.

Click to View Replay >>

Who knew Dry Rot was ‘art’!

For all our PCA members who deal with dry rot, we have been contacted by artist Esme Valencia who is researching dry rot as part of a project funded by the Arts Council. Fascinated by the capacity of this aggressive fungus, Esme wants to understand more about how it affects people:

  • Firstly, to observe the process of treating/removing dry rot from any companies based in London or close to Retford in Nottinghamshire
  • Secondly, to contact people who would be interested in sharing their experience with dry rot in their homes

If any members can help Esme with her research, please get in touch at [email protected] or click on the button below that should open your email client with Esme’s email pre-populated.

Get in Touch! >>

Ransomware attacks in the construction sector

Many of you may have read/heard of the recent research highlighting that construction/property repair related firms, alongside architecture and engineering companies, are twice as likely to face ransomware attacks as other sectors.

This is an issue we unfortunately hear of from PCA members. For those members that have experienced attacks like this, you will be all too familiar with the pain, time and expense to recover and make right.

Sadly, there isn’t a ‘magic solution‘ that can protect you and your business from attack, however, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your business. To find out more, click on the button below.

Click for more info >>

UKCMB Online Training

There are still places available on our online ‘Understanding and Managing Moisture Risks in Buildings‘ training course, which we are running in partnership with UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings (UKCMB). The dates are as follows:

• 11th October 2021: Context
• 12th October 2021: Coherence
• 13th October 2021: Caution
• 14th October 2021: Capacity

To secure your place on the training course, please contact the training team on 01480 400000, or click on the button below for more information.

Click for more info >>

New Members

We are pleased to welcome the following company into membership:

  • S.A Saunders (provisional status)

Remember to keep in the loop…

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