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Examination - Certificated Surveyor in Timber & Dampness (CSTDB / CSDB)

Surveyor Examinations – Damp, Timber and Legal, Health & Safety

The CSTDB (Certificated Surveyor of Timber & Dampness in Buildings) & CSDB (Certificated Surveyor of Dampness in Buildings) is a nationally recognised professional qualification for individuals involved in diagnosing problems associated with timber and dampness within buildings. It is the 'benchmark' for professionals specialising in the timber & dampness sector.

Achieving either the CSTDB or the CSSW status is not an easy task.  It requires a lot of knowledge, reading, practical experience and preparation.  If you feel ready, click on the button below to contact us or click the 'Book Now' button to secure your exam place.

By booking this exam option, you will be booking 'all exams' associated with the CSTDB or CSDB qualification. You can find further details below.

Contact us about the exam >>

NOTE: This qualification was previously known as 'Certificated Surveyor in Remedial Treatments' (CSRT). This qualification continues to be recognised as a professional qualification for surveyors in the property preservation industry.

How do I get CSTDB or CSDB qualified?

To achieve the Certificated Surveyor of Dampness in Buildings (CSDB) qualification to are required to pass the below modules:

  • Legal and Health & Safety exam
  • Condensation & Damp exam

To achieve the Certificated Surveyor of Timber & Dampness in Buildings (CSTDB) qualification to are required to pass the below modules;

  • Legal and Health & Safety exam
  • Condensation & Damp exam
  • Timber module exam

Download the syllabus to understand more about the qualification(s). It breaks each module down and shows what you could be tested on during the examinations. This is a very valuable revision tool along with our recommended reading list.

CSTDB / CSDB Syllabus

Recommended Reading List

How is the CSTDB/CSDB exams are structured?

The CSTDB & CSDB exams are normally run over two days, candidates can sit all relevant modules at the same time or take them individually during the different dates throughout the year. We recommend that candidates split up their exams. 

Legal, Health & Safety Exam

  • 9:00am – 11:00am - Written paper
  • This exam is also required to achieve the Certificated Surveyor in Structural waterproofing (CSSW) qualification

Condensation & Damp Exam

  • 11:30am – 13:45pm – Written paper
  • 14:00pm – 17:00pm – Oral Examination (20 minutes) *
  • PLEASE NOTE: Timings for the oral exams are given to individuals on the day

Timber Exam (for CSTDB candidates)

  • 9:30am – 11:45am - Written paper
  • 12.00pm – 17.00pm: Timber identification & oral examination (20 minutes each) *
  • PLEASE NOTE: Timings for Identification & oral exams are given to individuals on the day. In the Timber Identification exam, candidates must correctly identify the correct fungus and/or infestation within twelve timber samples. The oral exam will involve an interview with two examiners asking you questions about a situation you might be presented with while working in the industry.


ABBE logo - working together with the Property Care Association

The PCA works in partnership with ABBE (the‘Awarding Body for the Built Environment’) to audit all of the exams associated with the CSTDB/CSDB qualifications. Candidates successfully passing the CSTDB/CSDB examinations will be awarded the ‘ABBE/PCA Level 3 Certificated Surveyor of Timber and Dampness in Buildings / ABBE/PCA Level 3 Certificated Surveyor of Dampness in Buildings’ through ABBE (Awarding Body for the Built Environment). 

We are pleased to share that our Certificated Surveyor of Timber & Dampness in Buildings (CSTDB) is now a registered qualification with The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). We have always been confident with the quality of the CSTDB training and qualification which has now been regulated and recognised externally.

Along with the rigour and professionalism of the PCA examination process, this means the CSTDB & CSDB Examination will be independently verified by UK leading award organisation within the construction industry!

Information on the CSTDB / CSDB Examination Preparation course

For those looking to prepare more for the CSTDB / CSDB exams, there is a specific 'Exam Preparation Course for both exams covering all the exam papers that is particularly useful for those candidates who have not recently sat an exam, to help them practice exam techniques by working through some past papers with a tutor.  It also provides a valuable opportunity for candidates to clarify any areas where they may be unsure prior to sitting the formal examination. Click on the button below to view availability and dates. 

More about the Exam Preparation Course >>

Past Papers - CSTBD / CSDB

To help support candidates both during their and for forthcoming exams, there are example examination papers you can view by clicking the button options below:

Damp - Example Paper >>

Timber - Example Paper >>

Legal, Health & Safety - Example Paper >>

Contact us about the CSTDB or CSDB examinations

To find out more about our CSTDB or CSDB Examination, or to simply ask a few questions, feel free to contact our training team by calling 01480 400 000 or send us your enquiry by completing our online contact form below.

Alternatively, if you want to book your place now, click on the 'Book Now' button at the top of the page or on any of the 'available dates'. 

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