Property Care Association Property Care Association

08 Dec 2022 < Back

The issue & implication of dampness in buildings

On 4th December, a national ITN news cast proclaimed that "botched insulation could be affecting up to 2million properties", asserting that "many that they have been left damp and mould and difficult to heat". This is on top of multiple reports about polyurethane insulation in roofs on consumer programmes aired by the BBC, on TV and radio, as well as in the national print media and online.

Prolonged media scrutiny

The repercussions from the inquest which followed the tragic death of Awaab Ishak in Rochdale, have also placed the issue of dampness in buildings at the very heart of Government, with the Minister for Housing publicly demanding action and making it known that he is willing to name and shame those who fail to act.

The issue and implication of dampness in buildings has never been the subject of such sharp and intense interest. We have never experienced such prolonged scrutiny by Government and mainstream media.

'Right first time' solutions from PCA members

The PCA is handling these matters by contributing to the debate, and offering up membership as the place those who need help with damp buildings must go, to get 'right first time' solutions.

The current demands may not be related to rising damp as much as they used to, but condensation, water penetration, mould, rot and timber decay are our stock in trade and members specialism, experience and qualification must put us both technically, and economically, at the heart of these challenges.

Delivering solid advice & cost effective solutions

The PCA will continue to work to ensure members are recognised as the solution to the emerging problems that retrofit, fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis is bringing into sharp focus. It is then up to all of us to rise to the challenge and deliver solid advice and cost effective solutions to a rapidly changing and expanding market.

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