Property Care Association Property Care Association

08 Apr 2022 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 9th April 2022

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Review of Approved Document F
  • Build Back Better Initiative
  • NEW Online course launched!
  • Next LIVE webinar
  • Dampness & Condensation training
  • Apprenticeships - earn while you learn!
  • Welcome to our new member
  • Changes to RIDDOR

Review of Approved Document F

For those in the ventilation sector will be aware that at the end of 2021, and to virtually no fanfare, the revised version of Approved Document F was released. We are pleased to say that it does provide the much needed focus on existing buildings, which PCA's Technical Manager James Berry discusses in his latest blog. You can check out some of the key changes in the revised document, by clicking on the button below.

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Build Back Better Initiative

Earlier this week FloodRe hosted a private screening of their new video that promotes the Build Back Better initiative: 'a fresh way of thinking about home flood insurance which gives homeowners peace of mind and insurers a more resilient portfolio'. The idea that properties that have been flooded should be recovered in a way that delivers future flood resilience is not a new idea, but a scheme that helps facilitate this through insurance providers is very welcome. FloodRe is initially bringing this idea to the market hoping that many of the general home insurance providers will get on board with the initiative. It's hoped that measures to the value of up to £10K will be made available to enhance flooded buildings' ability to resist, or recover quickly from flooding. Money that will be spent during the post flood refit. At the questions session which followed the screening, senior members of the FloodRe board brought up flood performance certificates as the next logical step. Adoption of such a register for protection measures is seen as being essential, if insurers are to consider flood resilience when calculating home insurance premiums after FloodRe closes in 2039. The PCA will keep a close eye on the project with the hope that it brings some much needed impetus to the property flood protection market. You can view the video via the button below...

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NEW Online course launched!

We are delighted to share that our NEWEST online training course, 'Invasive woody shrubs, trees and climbers' is now LIVE - another addition to our growing online training portfolio! For those in the invasive weed sector, we may be more familiar with Japanese knotweed but what about Buddleia, Rhododendron and Cotoneaster? Should we be better informed and prepared to tackle the problems these plants can cause within the built environment? To find out more about why this course will benefit you, click on the button below....

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Next LIVE webinar

Our NEXT LIVE Webinar is now on our website. This time we switch our focus to structural waterproofing as we take a look at the NEW BS8102 guidance for the Protection of below ground structures against water ingress. What exactly are the updates and what has changed? What impact will the updates and changes have on design choices and waterproofing strategies moving forward? Will this updated guidance change our view to waterproofing? To find out the answers and to learn much more, join us and PCA Trainer Michael Earle, on Thursday 28th April 2022 from 9-10am.

Click for more info >>

Dampness & Condensation Training

PCA's Technical Manager James Berry spent two days with the inspection staff at Tai Tarian recently, providing training on understanding dampness and condensation whilst educating and informing them of the knowledge and skills of the PCA and its members. Tai Tarian is one of the largest social housing providers in Wales, owning over 9000 properties in the Neath Port Talbot County Borough. The issue of damp, condensation and mould in social housing is a growing problem and this was a great opportunity to help and support them.

Click for more info >>

Apprenticeships - earn while you learn!

We were pleased to welcome our latest cohort of apprentices here this week and with a growing skills shortage in our industry, there has never been a more important time to invest in your staff! Why not consider an apprenticeship... there are still a few spaces available on our next intake in June?! Get in touch with Jade in the training team today on [email protected], or via the button below.

Click for more info >>

Welcome to our new member

We are pleased to welcome the following company into membership: Complete Weed Control (Scotland South East) (Contractor - Invasive Weed Sector)  

Changes to RIDDOR

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has updated guidance on Covid-19 and their stance with reporting in the workplace. This guidance is for people reporting incidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). You can find out more by clicking on the button below.

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