Property Care Association Property Care Association

11 Mar 2022 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 12th March 2022

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Donation Update
  • Research Projects update
  • Next LIVE webinar
  • Understanding Traditional Building Construction Principles
  • Updated Guidance from HSE

Donation Update

As reported last week, our donation of 15% of the value of our training and examination bookings taken this week, will be sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee. Sincere thanks to all who have contributed either via training or personal donation - it looks like we are heading towards an approx total of £1500, which will provide essential hygiene supplies, blankets and emergency food for the months ahead. If you didn't manage to book training this week but would still like to make a donation, you can contact us on 01480 400000. For more information on the charity, you can click on the button below.

More About Training >>

Research Projects update

Our PCA members know we are committed to research and development, and this continues as we work to collaborate with organisations in delivering the importance of good ventilation and accurate diagnostics, particularly for Housing Associations, Local Authorities, councils and universities in the UK. But it doesn't end there. A number of important projects are in discussion/underway which you can read more about by clicking on the button below...

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Next LIVE webinar

**3 WEEKS TO GO** until our next LIVE webinar "Wet happens; dealing with it in modern timber buildings". Join us and Dr John Williams of RSK and James Walker of Milner Associates on Thursday 31st March 2022 from 9-10am, as we discuss the challenges of measuring moisture and assessing decay in modern forms of timber construction. What is the impact of decay and moisture on the strength and stability of wood/wood products? To find out the answers and learn much more, simply click on the button below.

Click to register now >>

Understanding Traditional Building Construction Principles

Understanding Traditional Building Construction Principles Date: 24th March 2022 Location: PCA Head Office, Huntingdon Cost: £205 +VAT >> Need more information on the course - click here This is ideal foundation level training, to help your surveyors and technicians when working with buildings, to assess and recommend appropriate actions for property care. It is also of great value for those working in an office-based support role, especially those who are new to the property care industry. Secure your place today! Contact the training team on 01480 400000 or email [email protected].

Click to Contact Us >>

Updated Guidance from HSE

Many of you will be aware that we all have a legal duty to ensure they comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has updated their woodworking guidance, which will help ensure workers are safe. To view the guidance, simply click on the button below.

<a href=""" title="Click for more info >>" class="button">Click for more info >>

Other recent news or related info

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