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17 Dec 2022 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 17th December 2022

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Damp & mould issues continue to hit the headlines
  • Will flood protection/resilience ever be normalised?!?
  • Highlights video & pictures from #IIWC2022
  • Be inspired with an apprenticeship for 2023
  • Working Minds: Mental Health Support

Damp & mould issues continue to hit the headlines

The issue of damp and mould in homes continues to hit the headlines daily. For most PCA members, this is not 'new' news, but the issue has never received such sharp and intense media interest and government scrutiny either. The PCA continues to add to the debate and promote PCA members as the specialists for 'right first time' solutions, but we also encourage our damp related PCA members to do what you can and encourage you to push out good information & guidance towards damp, condensation and mould to the public domain; whether through blogs, new stories, PR or other digital means.  

As we mentioned, the PCA continues to try and get good advice and guidance out there along with helping the public find reputable and qualified companies such as our PCA members.  

Will flood protection/resilience ever be normalised?!?

In the next replay video released from the '2022 Property Care Conference', we take a look and discuss if flood resilience will ever be ‘normalised’.

The Government has said that they want the provision, offer and delivery of property flood protection to be “normalised“ by 2025. In this latest presentation release, Rob Dakin from AXA Insurance looks at what this means from an insurer's perspective and how this may impact us all! 

To view the video replay, simply click on the button below.

View the video >>

Highlights video & pictures from #IIWC2022

Many thanks to all who attended the recent '2022 International Invasive Weed Conference'. For those that missed it or for those that want to be reminded of the day, we have a dedicated webpage that currently features the highlights video and all of the pictures captured on the day. 

Like our previous conferences this year, each of the presentations from the day will be gradually released as replay videos in the New Year offering all professionals many hours of high quality CPD learning! They will be an invaluable source of learning, insights and knowledge for you and your team(s).

For the time being however, simply click on the button below to view the highlights and pictures...

Find out more >>

Be inspired with an apprenticeship for 2023

A BIG welcome back to cohort 6 of our Structural Waterproofing apprenticeship.  It was great to see our apprentices back and we are looking forward to welcoming many more apprentices in the new year.

Whether you're starting out in the industry, or have many years of experience under your belt, the skills shortage is a real concern and an apprenticeship is one way of addressing this growing problem.

For the benefit all, the PCA continues to deliver real value and invest in our specialist apprenticeship scheme. So why not be inspired and consider an apprenticeship for you/your technicians in 2023? Dates are as follows:

  • Structural Waterproofing: 14th-17th February 2023
  • Damp & Timber: 27th-30th March 2023

For more information, get in touch with the team on 01480 400000 or click on the button below to find out more about our apprenticeships.

Find out more >>

Working Minds: Mental Health Support

For many people and potentially for some of your work colleagues, this time of year can be challenging and stressful. As Christmas gets closer, HSE are reminding us all to take the time to check in with colleagues and see how they're feeling. 

For more information on mental health and stress, members can click on the button below. 


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