Property Care Association Property Care Association

14 Jan 2023 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 14th January 2023

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Dates for 2023 Conferences & Awards
  • Changes to the Audit Process
  • Maple kits & resources
  • Conference videos
  • Apprenticeship Week 2023
  • Next webinar 

Dates for 2023 Conferences & Awards

We are pleased to share the dates for the 2023 conferences and PCA Best Practice Awards! These events were all a huge success last year and as always, a fantastic opportunity for both PCA members and wider industry professionals to come together, learn, develop knowledge and gain valuable insights from their sector of expertise.

The individual web pages for each event featuring 'Early Bird' offers will be available to soon, so keep an eye out. For now, you can save the confirmed dates as follows:

  • 20th July - Structural Waterproofing Conference & Best Practice Awards Dinner
  • 21st September - Property Care Conference
  • 16th November - Invasive Weed Conference

If you would like to register your interest or for more information, please get in touch with our team and ask for Sue Uttridge on 01480 400001.

Changes to the audit process in 2023

The audit process for our PCA members continues to evolve to ensure they reflect current legislation and best practice. Following feedback from our members, this year will see two significant areas of change for audits. So what can PCA members expect in 2023?

PCA's Head of Technical James Berry outlines these changes for the year ahead in his latest blog, which you can read by clicking on the button below...


Maple kits & resources

Many reading this post will be aware that along with new sensors and updated technology, our 'Condensation & Mould Diagnostic kits' from Maple Diagnostics have also been updated recently with new documentation as we continue to ensure the system is improved for all.

This week has seen more of these new kits being sent out to clients, which includes the new and improved guidance documentation. For those who want to find out more or would like to order any kits, please get in touch with us on 01480 400000 or click on the button below to read more.

Find out more >>

1st Invasive Weed Conference video presentation

Following the pictures being released last week, we can share the first of the video presentations from the 2022 Invasive Weed Conference.

In this first video, your Technical Manager Peter Fitzsimons discusses takes a look at 'The future of Glyphosate and why we need to consider the alternatives'.

Look out for additional video presentations over the coming weeks...

View the video >>

CPD learning: Next Property Care Conference video

Members can view the next presentation from the 2022 Property Care Conference.

In this latest video, PCA's CEO Steve Hodgson considers the positive and negative implications of the thermal improvements within buildings and homes, that we will all be tasked with delivering, surveying, and correcting in the years to come, discussing whether we should embrace or flee from what’s to come...

View the video >>

Apprenticeship Week 2023

The PCA will be supporting Apprenticeship Week 2023, which takes place 6th-12th February. As many of you will be aware, the Association has two Specialist Apprenticeship Programmes available that help support two of our sectors and that result in an NVQ Level 2 Diploma qualification. The apprenticeships are:

  • Insulation and Building Treatments (Wood Preserving and Damp-proofing)
  • Sub-Structure Work Occupations (Structural Waterproofing)

To find out more about the value, benefits and how the apprenticeship works; click on the button below or speak to our training team on 01480 40000.

Find out more >>

Upcoming Webinar: Mould & damp (the basics)

Members will be aware of the upcoming webinar on Thursday 26th January (9-10am) , which will go back to basics and give a clearer understanding of the problems and misconceptions of damp and mould, and how they can be rectified.

This is a webinar that members can recommend to their clients, to their office staff, to estate agents and anyone else who would greatly benefit from a better understanding of mould & damp.

To find out more,click on the button below...

Find out more >>

Other News Stories...

HSE: Falls from Height

Falls from height were the cause of most work-related fatalities in Britain during 2021/22.
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has some valuable information and guidance on how members can protect themselves/their employees when working at height.

The site also includes key messages before working from height and some common work at height myths, which members may find helpful. Click on the button below to view.

Find out more >>

Other recent news or related info


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