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07 Jan 2023 < Back

PCA Weekly News - 7th January 2023

In your weekly PCA update this week:

  • Happy New Year from the PCA team
  • Invasive Weed Trends & Targets for 2023
  • First LIVE webinar for 2023
  • Meeting reminders
  • Update Technical Documents
  • New year, new course!

Happy New Year from all at the PCA

As many of us return to the office and into work mode, we'd like to wish both all of our members and everyone else out there a very Happy New Year! The PCA has hit the ground running this week and suspect many of you have too. We hope 2023 is a successful year for all and we look forward to catching up with many of you over the year. 

Invasive Weed Sector: Trends & targets for 2023

Some of our members may be aware that 2023 is set to be the year of the rabbit, according to the chinese calendar, representing longevity, peace and prosperity. But perhaps most importantly, 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

Your Technical Managers Daniel Docking and Peter Fitzsimons discuss what we can be hopeful for in 2023, highlighting new trends and targets for the invasive weed sector in their latest blog...


Updated Technical Documents

As part of our ongoing review of Technical Documents for members, a number of them have been updated recently to bring them in line with the Joint Position Statement (launched last year) and Approved Document F. Those updated include:

This resource library is available to you, our members, and provides a variety
of valuable learning tools to download and share. They are available via the website and by clicking on the button below...

View the library >>

First LIVE webinar for 2023!

Our first webinar broadcast for 2023 is now live on your PCA website. With mould, condensation and damp receiving continued and the most prolonged scrutiny from both media and government (for good reason), this webinar will go back to basics and give a clearer understanding of the problem and how it can be rectified.

This is a webinar that's perfect for local/social housing providers, junior surveyors/tradespeeople, construction professionals, priviate landlords, office staff and anyone else who feels they could do with some extra knowledge and understanding of mould & damp issues.

To find out more and to register to join us on Thursday 26th January , from 9-10am, click on the button below...

Find out more >>

Meeting reminders for PCA members

A reminder for for PCA members on upcoming meetings:

* Preservation Sector Open Group Meeting, 19th January 2023 via Zoom - agenda to follow...
* Spring Regional Meetings - dates will be announced soon, so keep an eye out!

For more information, PCA members can contact your technical manager James Berry at: [email protected]

New year, new course!

The new year starts with a NEW Online course - Understanding Traditional Buildings. Understanding the principles of traditional buildings is a necessary skill for many of our members and the construction industry as a whole.

This fully recorded course enables candidates to watch at a time and place to suit them and provides a general foundation to building terminology and technology, looking at all aspects of buildings construction from foundations to the roof. To find out more, click on the button below.

Find out more >>

Other News Stories...

Post-Christmas clearout? Send us your samples!

For those members who have samples of wet rot, dry rot, timber decay and insects etc., that they no longer need/use, please send them into the PCA . It will be really helpful to continue building a stock of interesting samples to use during training, to feature in online training videos and for photography purposes too.

Damp & mould still hitting the headlines....

The media continues to feature news articles on the issue of damp and mould, particularly in tenanted homes. The demand for higher standards, accurate guidance and information has never been stronger and your Association continues to direct the media towards the specialist skills and expertise of PCA members.

Other recent news or related info


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